
Why do liberals want terrorists to have Constitutional rights?

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Why do liberals want terrorists to have Constitutional rights?




  1. As a conservative I believe they deserve to be found guilty in military court.

  2. They probably do not want us to torture and execute people who are potentially innocent as has happened at Abu Ghraib, Gitmo and our secret CIA prisons. We followed the law in prosecuting terrorist Timothy McVeigh and we did execute him, so working within the law does work.

  3. Terrorists already have constitutional rights. The neo n***s and KKK can assemble and preach their nonsense anytime. They can also vote and hold high positions in government......

  4. I do not understand their thinking either.

  5. Before you take away a person's constitutional right for being a terrorist, you need to know that person is a terrorist.

    If constitutional rights can be taken away from anybody under US jurisdiction, they can be taken away from you too.

  6. Well since a lot of those people were turned in by the taliban in Afghnaistan and the p**i army, and we are just now learning that they may actually have been fighting against terrorists in those countries, we do have to wonder exactly why people like you are so confident that they ARE terrorists in the first place. If they are, then it should be proven openly. If they are not, then what excatly are we doing holding them without habeus corpus.

    Edit: and now look at today's news. The military itself has admitted that because we have wrongfully detained people, that is swelling the ranks of terrorists. Of course.

    But still the bushbots drone their deadoralive mantra...

    You are much too trusting of the Bush regime my friend. They have not earned that amount of trust.

  7. I declare " I am not a troll " is a domestic terrorist.

    See how that works?

  8. Because as long as terrorists are in the territory of the United States, they will be represented by the rule of law, the Constitution.

    Under the Constitution and the Republic, if one terrorist commits a crime with 10 witnesses involved and there's vote for a penalty, the 10 witnesses' votes do not override the criminal's vote. The criminal has a right to a trial and a right to tell his side of the story under the rule of law.

  9. Guantanamo is a US base, therefore US territory and the constitution applies whether you want it to or not. Not to mention the fact that many of the prisoners are INNOCENT but were still TORTURED.

  10. How do you know their terrorists unless you['ve tried them?

  11. Because people are guilty until proven innocent; if the accused is a citizen, then they are protected by your constitution.

    Your forefathers fought hard, so you could enjoy your constitution, against the oppression of my forefathers, who incidentally would have regarded your forefathers as terrorists.

    Just remember that things aren't always the way they're portrayed, and your media and government are the only ones who really want to keep you living in terror!

  12. By "Liberals", I'm guessing you're referring to the Judges that President Bush appointed to the Supreme Court? Because that was their decision.

    No one is offering citizenship to terrorists, but we're an example to the entire world of how well Democracy can work to both accomplish justice, and maintain human rights at the same time. If we don't abide by our own rules, why should anyone else?

  13. That would be the Supreme Court.  And this is for people ACCUSED of terrorism.

    The Constitution gives the same rights to anyone ACCUSED of any crime including rape, murderer, child abuse etc

    This country was founded upon the right to Habeus Corpus and the concept of innocent until proven guilty.

    SAYING someone is a terrorist doesn't make a person a terrorist.

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