
Why do libs get offended when...?

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people refer to their candidate by his full name, Barrack Hussein Obama? They're acting like his name is an insult to him.

Bonus question: isn't it funny that the spell check still doesn't recognize 'Obama' as a word?




  1. Do you know that when you re-arrange Sarah Palin's name you get Nipal Rassh.

  2. I don't know, I'm not a liberal nor am I a Democrat.  But I can say I'm very sick of this "junk politics" where the focus is on lapel pins and names.  I'd much rather focus on the important issues and debate them.

    Life-long Indiana Republican voting Obama-Biden '08.

  3. I'm a liberal and I don't know of any other, myself included, who fit your bill . . .  I find Obama's name refreshing and I'm glad he had the courage to stop using Barry.  The man has a cultural heritage and should be proud, encouraged, and not slammed for being an American whose name is a little different from the white bread establishment (of which I am a member, despite my own funny name!).

    Good grief, we celebrate the wonder of this nation where any immigrant with a funny name can come and with hard work and determination, make a success of him or herself . . . I guess you're only celebrated by certain people if you're a card carrying republican?  allowed to be ethnic only if you're a neo-con?

    King Hussein of Jordan was one of our staunchest allies-  Saddam Hussein was also once considered an ally and gifted with gold-plated cowboy boots by old Rummy on an official good buddy visit during the Reagan years . . .  as long as we're counting Husseins, let's get it straight that the fear-mongering you're pulling here has a different past amongst your kind.

  4. Abortion is NOT murder.

  5. We liberals just tend to be sensative sometimes. No doubt names are funny. By your logic it is probably significant that Joseph Lieberman is named after Joseph Stalin, and Karl Rove [note that his name is spelled with a K]  is named after Karl Marx; It must be conclusive proof that Rove and Lieberman are communists-- clearly part of an international conspiracy. That is what I find funny.

    Abortion, your screen name is also a little strange. Do you go by "abortion" or do people call you "murder."  Do you have your tin foil hat yet?

  6. Why do you obsess over the response of "liberals" to everything you do? You're just as much a partisan idiot as you accuse them of being.

    Try actually thinking about issues facing the country, not falling hook line and sinker for every single talking point of one of the major parties.

  7. Because you don't call John McCain John Sydney McCain.  It's redundant and biased.

  8. People get offended because so many ignorant Republicans think that since Obama's middle name is Hussein, he must be a terrorist.  

  9. I am a McCain supporter. BUT using Obama's middle name is very childish. And I think it's much more annoying than funny that the spell check doesn't recognize Obama.  

  10. Psh I don't.

    It's because people put the emphasis on "Hussein," implying that he's a terrorist.

    It's because spell check is racist.  =P

  11. I don't get offended.  But I see through it.

    Republicans have used fear as a great motivator over the past 8 years and it has worked to a "T".  They know the majority of republican voters are not sophisticated (a nice way of saying "stupid), and that all those voters need to hear is the name "Hussein" and they automatically make a connection with Islam and terrorists.

    It is not common practice in the US to use a persons' middle name, unless the person himself uses his middle name.  Repubs know this, and take advantage of it to inject doubt about Obama, simply based on his middle name.

    Add to that the fact that Obama is black, which is a different color than most less-sophisticated Republican voters, and that ratchets up the fear level in them (a nice way of saying brings out their racist tendencies).

    Just call the man by the name he himself uses...Barack Obama.

  12. Did you notice that Obama and Biden together ALMOST spell Bin Laden?? O(b)sama Bi(n La)den


  13. What is your real agenda? Haven't met anyone, lib or con, that is offended when Senator Barack Hussein Obama's full name is mentioned and I'm pretty sure you haven't either. Give me a break! Oh, and you might try spelling his name correctly the next time you go trolling these message boards. Just another dopey question posed by a freaked out, desperate Rethuglican.

  14. They say it's only done to scare people (apparently because it reminds them of him being a Muslim in Indonesia).  I believe it scares the liberals themselves even more though.

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