
Why do libs only support restricting free speech(AKA: Fairness Doctrine) when it applies to talk radio, & NOT?

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  1. You should do a little reading and discover where your information is wrong. What so many people seem to forget is that the air waves belong to all of us and the radio & tv stations just rent their use. The fairness doctrine makes sure that all voices are heard and not just a select few. How could anyone be against that unless they want to "restrict free speech"

  2. Because the far left doesn't have many successful radio shows.  Why do you think the libs have a War on Fox News?  People who do not follow in line will be dealt with, Comrade.

  3. This liberal does not support the "fairness doctrine" or the "free speech zones" that the Bush administration set up far away from their conventions and rally sites.

    Free speech means exactly that.

    Furthermore, it is patently impossible to offer, much less mandate, objectivity in any medium, as we humans are limited by our senses to perceiving only what we are able to perceive, and not every possible view of every possible issue.

  4. because the liberal radio shows can't get anyone to listen to them so they have to make it law that you here their opinion. wait, they're going after the internet and tv next.

  5. are you kidding me... Howard stern had to leave terrestrial radio and go to sirius because the FCC was after him...

    Clinton Adinistration/ Tipper Gore/ PMRC  has always been infavor, promoted, passed legilastion infavor of the V-Chip in TV's know those parental advisaries on Cd's...  

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