
Why do lifeguards rotate stations?

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A) Practice risk management

B) Practice teh find model

C) Remain Alert

D) remain negligent




  1. umm i would say remain alert

    because as my experience as a lifeguard if you were to watck the same area of water for 7 hrs it woud get very boring and the guards would tned not to do their job and just glance at the water. 20 minute rotations beging to get boring so a change of scenery helps

  2. A is the closest answer. They do it because a lot of times there isn't enough lifeguards to cover all the stations so they rotate to provide even coverage across the beach.

    If they do have enough lifegurads then they rotate to be fair, so one lifeguard doesn't always have the same tower. This also allows the lifeguards to become familiar with each station.

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