
Why do lightening bugs/fire flies light up??

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That's like strapping a neon "Eat Me" sign to their butts. Why?




  1. It is called bioluminescence and it is due to specific chemical reaction involving chemical luciferin, enzyme luciferase, ATP and oxygen. When all these ingredients are combined a light is produces.

    The actual reason why they "light up" is not fully known....perhaps as a warning to other predators they they may contain some kind of poison or it could be also a part of sexual ritual between male and female.

    If you want to read more..I had found this link interesting

  2. They do it to attract mates. Indeed, it does make them visible and vulnerable to predators. Some species of fireflies actually lure other species by mimicing the flash signals of their prey.

  3. So my daughter can catch them and watch them crawl all over her...or sneak them on the back of my boyfriend...(she always lets them don't worry..)..

    There are different types of lightning bugs...

    According to the National Audubon Society Field Guide to Insects and Spiders (which I just got from the library and have sitting in front of me by coincidence...) they light up to attract mates...

    hence the sign on the

    here's some links to other info if you're interested:

  4. there are fire flies that light help them see in the dark

  5. to attract mates, its a chemical reaction.

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