
Why do little girls like sweets so much? How do I stop her from eating?

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Told my gf she can't eat anymore candy/ sweets at least for another 3 weeks. For some reason she's been craving for sugar lately and has been eating sweet things mostly chocolate and fruits= more sugar. Not worried about her weight at all since she's pretty skinny but don't want her to get diabetes or anything. When i see she's about to eat I tell her no more it's bad and take it away from her and put it away. Doesn't make her happy but for her own good. Any suggestions how to stop her cravings?




  1. Who made you the Sugar Police? Honestly, it's your girlfriend's body, and if she chooses to eat sugar, it is none of your business. She is a grown woman, and can make her own decisions!  

  2. Try replacing candies with refined and processed sugars with fruit with natural sugars and plenty of water.  Sugar tricks the body and mind to think that it is receiving sustenance.  Unfortunately, the tongue digests sugars before it even reaches the stomach, converting it to glucose.  Insulin levels spike in preparation, and stomach acids are activated.  The body will store anything after the sugars are digested as stored energy, read: fat. If there is something nutritious to counterbalance the sugars, it will do her well to eat something that will take a long time to digest, such as proteins.  If she's not allergic to chocolate covered fruits, that may be a good alternative.  Good luck

  3. Are you serious?

    I think you need to chill out a little. Unless she has a family history of diabetes, or is heading towards obesity (you say she's pretty skinny) and is drinking pop and eating sugar 24/7, the chances of her getting it from FRUIT and some chocolate aren't that great. How would you like it if you were about to eat something, and she took it away from you? You say it doesn't make her happy, so maybe you shouldn't worry about her health, but her happiness. After all, it doesn't seem like a very serious relationship. If you keep bugging her, she'll just end it.

  4. do a prank on her and tell her she has diabetes and she would get get scared and not eat it no more.

  5. Sounds like my mother has an addictive mind and people like that only learn from having to experience it and that probably means she will keep doing it until something bad does happen than she may or may not change her ways it is really up to you she has to make the choice

  6. Break up with her now, she will grow really fat, sick and unhealthy in 5 years.  She will just be a problem you cant handle.

  7. put salt on the sweets =]

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