
Why do little kids talk so loud to the point where they start yelling?

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everytime my little sister starts talking she gets louder and louder when she's sitting right next to me. where it gets to the point that shes yelling at me.

why is that?and,

what do i do?




  1. they want attention

  2. Younger kids often have a high amount of energy pent up, thats why sometimes they burst out randomly. She is probably a hyper kid, it could be that she's really excited and feels the need to speak loudly. Or maybe she feels like she isn't being heard. You never really know with kids, but we can assume that its because of a high amount of energy.

  3. When her voice begins to accelerate, just stop her mid-sentence, by calling her name and model to her how she should repeat the last sentence she said in a lower tone of voice. and keep on doing that every time her voice begins to accelerate.

  4. Children are still learning to regulate their emotions. When you sister is sitting next to you she is excited and happy to be having your attention and having you there so she chatters away and winds herself up and up more as she feels joy at being with you. She doesnt know how to regulate that excitement yet but in time and through experience and maturity and demonstration and patience from you and those around her she will graually learn. Kids jump for joy - literally, they fidget when they are bored/excited/nervous - their bodies are just over flowing and responding honestly to how they are feeling. As we get older and grow to be adults it is no longer appropriate of socially acceptable to be jumping up and down and shrieking with glee every 5 mins when we feel a rush of happyness and nor is it as intense and new so we learn to 'slow down' and learn to control ourselves and express feelings in other ways - verbally, physically and internally. Children have to learn these skill. Part of the delights of being a child and of being with children is their energy and exhuberance of life as it is the very thing that many people loose and crave to get back as they get older.

    What you can do is always remember you are the older sibling so what you do is being watched and learned by your little sister. You need to teach her through your own behaviours how to cope with emotions and how to learn to regulate them. You can literally gently point this out sometimes 'when you shout like that I find it hard to be able to really listen to what you are saying, could you lower your voice a bit, like this..." Then as you speak to her use the volume and tone of voice that you would like her to use. If you remain calm and dont rise your voice to meet hers then eventually she will respond to the calmness and learn it is a better way of communication and that she can still sit next to you and feel great and happy about it but she will find that she doesnt need to be bubbling over with the excitement and that by not being like that she will find and you will find she is maturing and you can have some great conversations which you and her will cherish.

    So basically be a good example to your sister and she will learn from you. It is nice you are thinking about it and wanting to do something rather then just pushing her away. She will be thankful for that as she grows up and you two develop into a good sibling friendship.

  5. sounds like  an excitable child - funnily enough i get just like that esp. at work and i have been asked several times to tone it down a bit.

    try letting her know you are right there and to please lower her voice. she should calm down for a bit and if she gets to loud again repeat the request. be nice about it cause if you get defencive so will she.

    good luck

  6. Maybe people are yelling at her????  My kids do this if I raise my voice at them alot.  There Father used to yell at them so it took a while to get it settled down.  Kids get excited too.  It could be any reason I guess, kids just do things we can't explain, but if you find a way to fix it I know lots of people that would love tips, lol.  Good luck and try not to get too frustrated with her, she's just little and probably wants your attention.  I'm sure she looks up to you.

  7. She's probably excited about whatever she's telling you about- that's when my kids do that. I just remind them that I'm a foot away and not across the room! :-)

  8. maybe they feel like

    nobodys listening to them...

  9. They just get so excited, they don't even know they're doing it.  

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