
Why do little sisters follow after there older sisters bad habits?

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Why do little sisters follow after there older sisters bad habits?




  1. As the user above me said, usually younger sisters look up to their older sister.  They are typically the older female they see most often.  Therefore their habits are being seen by the younger sister, a lot.  And also don't you remember when you were young you looked up to your older sister (or mom)?  You wanted to be them, they were almost like a role model to you.  If you see them doing something, you're bound to do it to.  It's almost like they are imitating you so they can be as similar to you, as possible.  That's the same reason why studies show that children who have parents that smoke are more likely to smoke during their lifetime.

  2. cuz they are stupid and think that if you did it then they can do it too

  3. because older sisters are posed to be "role models" and set an example for their lil siblings. so if the lil sister sees her older sister do something bad. she will most likely do that too

  4. Siblings see their older sisters as a role model~ if the older sister does this than it must be OK for me too. If you have a younger sister than you have a big responsibility to send her positive messages about herself and the world she is in, so that she will grow up right. Be careful, she is watching your every move.

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