
Why do lots of people in the UK believe what they read in The Sun?

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when it is so full of complete c**p and lies.




  1. Because some ppl are attracted by big colourful pictures and ridiculous headlines... when they see a newspaper with actual writing in their brains go into melt down

    the Sun is the paper equivalent to Fox news!

  2. It is barely above the level of the US' National Enquirer.

    On the other hand the lies in the Sun are obvious and crass, whereas more up-market newspapers have more insinuative lies and are hard to pick out.  In some ways, the blatantly obvious lies in the Sun make it the lesser evil.

  3. I don't read the Sun.  Mostly I just look at the pictures.

  4. IT is better than CNN and Fox

  5. i would never offend my eyes with that shite. i`m a scouser. we dont do the scum/sun.

  6. You'll find many people buy 2 or 3 papers at one go,the Sun is just a gossip rag,and funnily enough the UK top selling one.

    I always preferred the Mail.

  7. I don't believe what's written in it, even if it's a nationwide headline - there's always some weird prejudiced slur woven into it.

  8. Well because you tend to believe in what the media says cause otherwise you have nothing else to believe in. And the Sun is just like other newspapers which are all corrupt and say lies. All the media is corrupt so don't believe what others say either.

  9. A low standard of education means thats about the limit of your reading ability.Its a photo/advertising based form of medium.Theres no great brain power involved looking at some tart with t1t$ hanging out.

  10. The Sun. Top notch journalism mate.

  11. Because some people are stupid (and kinky!)

  12. People prefer sensationalist story's about Islam, immigration and whats celebs are eating rather than the boring truth.

  13. Most people in this country are below average intelligence and The Sun is the most accessible paper.  It's the reason the country's in the state it is

  14. I agree that it is full of c**p which is why I don't get it ( The fact that I am from Liverpool also has a part to play) but like most scandal sheets it does hit the nail on the head from time to time in a most glorious politically incorrect manner.

    Is it page three which is a great attraction? I can not remember  

  15. because most the time the stories are the news of the world,they look for the most degrading & scandalous stories and print them for everyone to enjoy have a good laugh.thats why its the biggest selling paper in the uk

  16. Like many they believe there is an element of truth in everything they read, until proved otherwise!

  17. ew i don't read the sun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's a load of stupid, fake celebrity gossip! ugh! *shivers*

  18. i dont reed it ,  i just look at thur pictures,  

  19. I agree, there's some rubbish in it, but I like its no-nonsense attitude towards issues like islamic terrorism and paedophilia, it really lays into disgusting people like those Ive just mentioned and I'm glad, other papers don't do that as much.  

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