
Why do majority of britains hate america but majority of americans love britain ??

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Why do majority of britains hate america but majority of americans love britain ??




  1. Cuz Britains are douchebags

  2. i don't and don't know many who do, but maybe if you want an example why see you first answer!

  3. I've been to England a few times, and I think a big part of it is, is that their media makes us look bad. It makes themselves look better, and we all know that the Brits can be just as full of themselves as we Americans.

    On top of that, they cover a lot of American stories, so they tend to think they know us very well based on something their media tells them, or what they saw in a hollywood movie....or some dunb tourist they met in their town.

    I have a few friends currently here from England, and they seem pretty surprised at how many of their stereotypes about us are complete garbage and untrue. The thing is, the Americans that fit rite in with the stereotypes they have, stick out like a sore thumb, because that's what they're looking for.

    It's like the whole SUV concept. Most of us drive small to mid-sized cars, but they like to think we all drive big gas-guzzlers. They stick out like a sore thumb on the roads, and overshadow the fact that most of us drive more economical cars.

    All in all, I don't have any problems with them, and a good majority of them don't really hate us....more our government than anything.

    We're very similar in many ways, and that could be another reason why we clash sometimes.

    Put 2 very strong personalities in 1 room, and it's almost a gauranteed argument or fight waiting to happen.

  4. The majority of Britons don't hate Americans, they hate American politics and such.  A lot of British people (including myself) like Americans, but sometimes resent their behaviour.

    And its Britons, not Britains.

  5. It is called JUSTICE.

  6. I don't know the whole reason.  I think media may have a little to do with it.  The American media doesn't focus that much on Britain, and when it does, it generally paints Britain and its people in a rather positive light.  The British media appears to have extensive coverage of America and the goings on, and I must say that much of their coverage, for some reason or another, does paint most Americans in a very negative light.  

    From this we can probably assume that most Britons believe that they understand and know Americans very well, and if they're getting most of this info from their media, and especially how Americans are portrayed overseas, their feelings are probably going to be negative.  Most Americans don't get as much info on Britain as the Brits get on us, but like I said, when we do, it's positive, and the Brits are usually portrayed as being one of our friends, so most of us like them.

    Eventually, I think that Americans will figure out how many of our "allies" really look at us, and feel about us, and our whole love affair with places like Britain and elsewhere, may go by the wayside.  Probably not going to happen anytime soon though.

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