
Why do majority people say that most whites dont look good in cornrows?

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First off whos to say that cornrows doesnt look good on people. I mean look at Brad Miller from the NBA and he looks awesome. Of course you dont look good on them if you dont clean them right? I mean I had this fight with mom that its unprofessional. No dur If I go to an interview of course I wont wear it. Im sick and tired of these people telling me that only blacks can wear them cuz they look gangsta. First off cornrows is an African-American hairstyle that is quite famous and I love African-American history btw, and It was meant for everyone to wear. Im white I wear cornrows I love them. Simple and straight up.




  1. Google "Axel Rose with corn rows." You will see.

  2. because the marjority of people are racist or judgemental.

    Don't worry about what other people say, if you like it then good for you. any hairstyle looks good on any person regardless of skin color.

  3. Ok a lot of whites are going for micro braids too!

  4. .

  5. Corn rows can look good on people of different races!! If you got the confidence to wear them, then go ahead!

    My opinion of them looking good on Blacks though is that the hair doesn't get as frizzy as fast. That's why I think they look better. White, Asian, Hispanic or whatever, the hair doesn't stay very well, even if you wear a cap to sleep.

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