
Why do male golfers get paid more than female golfers?

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Why do male golfers get paid more than female golfers?




  1. If Michelle Wie dominated like Tiger, the LPGA might get more popularity....

  2. The same reason female models make more than male models - higher demand.

  3. It would help if the women golfers showed more cleavage you know what I am saying? (.) (.)

  4. It is a matter of demand and notoriety The interest is in the male professional golfers. Since they draw the crowds, enhance the viewability, produce the headlines and create the interest, this leads to TV contracts, Tournament sponsors with deep pockets who provide larger purses and advertising dollars. That is why the professional men have larger purses than the women resulting in higher earnings.

  5. Don't know. May be more sponsors!

  6. Golfer's get paid by the yard and men hit the ball farther so they get paid more.

    (sup is a pig, but it wouldn't hurt.)

  7. I don't know. I'm a 50 year old male and I LOVE to watch the LPGA. If I had my choice the LPGA would see a LOT more air time and a LOT more money. People should wake up. The men may be good but the girls sure are fine! I am mesmerized by Paula Creamer. And go Danica Patrick!

  8. Television ratings, rights fees, sponsorship dollars all run in favour of the PGA Tour.

    No slight on the LPGA at all, but it's just the marketplace reacting.

  9. For the same reason so many other sports have higher paid male athletes than female athletes -- there is more demand to see them!  Add that there is more sponsorship available (in mens golf equipment compared to womens equipment) and that money gets passed along...

  10. I think it's something to do with male chauvinism and the 'mass crowd puller' factor. Besides, big-time sponsors are more prepared to put in their money where it matters most; hence they tend to pay more to male golfers than lady golfers I suppose.

  11. their sport pulls in more money because people watch it. therefore they are paid better. just like nba players are paid better than wnba players because nba is popular and generates revenue. the lady golfers will start to see the $$ if they ever get good enough to draw some interest.

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