
Why do males shave the pubic hair?

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i just wanted 2 know




  1. Guest10731
    I shave. My pubes gets too thick if I don't at least trim. My bush gets hot and itches if the hair gets too long. Also I like it smooth. I don't care what strangers think about how I look. I shave because I like it.

  2. to get rid of the hair - don't like it

    to have that smooth feeling

    to give the p***s a bigger look.

  3. For the reason Eileen said!!   lol

  4. Keeping nice and trimmed.  Makes for more pleasure when your partner goes down for oral pleasure and not get mouth full of pubes.

  5. Some people like to be smooth, some like to be hairy, some just like to trim it back a's all in how you want your groin to look.  It does make your package look bigger, I must say.

  6. To decrease odor, to improve appearance, and because the girls tell us to.

  7. cauz girls dont like going down on tumble weeds!

  8. to make there d**k look bigger

  9. Many guys trim the hair.

    Some will fully shave, although it looks totally silly, boy-like and g*y.

    Pubies are their for a reason.

    I'm not saying that guys who shave aren't masculine, although sure look that way.

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This question has 9 answers.


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