
Why do many American support the terrorist regime of Zionism. aka Israel.?

by Guest62018  |  earlier

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Why do many American support the terrorist regime of Zionism. aka Israel.?




  1. because they're scared of being accused of anti-semitism.

    why else does everybody have to keep their opinions of israel to themselves, minute we object we're anti jew!

  2. How about, because they are trying to defend their own land.

    No, No, No.  It is not and never was "Palestinian" land.

    There is no nation of Palestine.  

    These "people" have been offered their own land twice, TWICE!!  Each time they demand that Israel must be given them, without the Jews.  Their intent is to kill all the Jews and take over Israel.

    No peaceful "palestinian" has ever forced to leave his/her land.  The non-violent non-Israeli citizens still live and work freely.  They have the same freedoms as Jews, vote in elections, and go to the same schools.

    Read the history before you support terrorists and butchers.

  3. Because it is the only country  in the middle east that defends the US against Islamic terrorism.  I happen to live in the US, and I don't like Islamic terrorism.

    That's good enough for me.

  4. I'm American and do not support Israel at all, to me what they are doing to the Palestinians is a sin and a form of it's own terrorism!

  5. Do you mean American people, or American government? There is a large gap between the two.

  6. You lower gas prices a lot, and you'll see how fast that support will disappear!

  7. Most Americans know anything about Israel and they don't support it, they are simply uninterested in it.  The few that do support it, do so because they believe lies told to them mostly by politicians and religious leaders  who will directly benefit by their support.  Guilty feelings about WWII also influence peoples attitudes toward Israel.

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