
Why do many Americans like to sue/make an issue out of everything, and hold grudges forever?

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When I went to court, I saw everything I could possibly imagine. Suing over stepping too often on another person's lawn, driving over it by like a few inches ONLY and asking for compensation for "damage," "mental anguish," for calling someone a "moron," and so so so many other things.

Cases from the MID 80s that are still going on and the people are at each others throats!

Civilian complaints,

looking at people the wrong way,

I mean, even if you do NOTHING WRONG, there are those types of people out there who will just start with you.

WHY, honesttly and this doesn't just apply to Americans, but we're infamous for suing over everything, why do people here generally like to make a huge issue out of everything, and hold grudges forever too?

WHy not let things go?

Are we really that miserable and such huge aholes to THAT degree?

It's disguisting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Thanks for posting these, I agree with you so much! Ignore the other poster, she has a right to her own opinion but this is why America is the way it is. Americans are so spoiled and ignorant. I just watched Harold & Kumar: Escape from Guantanamo Bay, and the interrogation guy made me laugh SO much because it just reminded me of the typical ignorant American!

    What do you think would happen if we took away Burger King, McDonald's, and every other fast food chain? I bet half of America would perish. If someone doesn't like what I'm saying, deport me, as soon as I get the money I'm moving away from this ignorance and helping people where it really matters.

    Gosh I mean what the h**l, people everywhere are dying and we're suing people over this kind of stuff. I hope they get what's coming to them.  

  2. So true..

    It's probably because they have so much time on their hands.

  3. i love your questions luke i have been seeing them for  a while here . Oh well th never ending story of lawsuits doesnt just happen here in the US but everywhere in the world but dont hear that much about it since our tv news are just concentrated in US issues the majority of the time !

    Yes there are a lot of reasons for this kind of behavior , one of them is a major lack of communication . if someone repeatedly walks on my lawn i wouldnt get mad , i would tell that person to respect my property and i would respect his . Of course for gods sake when we want to make things clear please dont make it sound like a threat cuz that could make everything worse , we all have to learn to say things in a clear and nice but firm way and maybe they will understand

    Some of us like to think that the world is against us and that everybody is after us which is of course an illusion coming from our egos that doesnt recognize that the biggest enemy is inside of us . Drama is food for some lets just put it that way . theres also a lack of compassion and seeing things from the bigger picture . Ever thought that problematic neighbor is here to make us understand something about ourselves ?

    do we sometimes think that bad things could be a test of life ?

    I say we take the clear and nice way of dealing with things before following any aggressive instincts trust me it just leads to more problems when we think we are winning the battle by getting angry  

  4. Did someone sue you? Is that why you were in court? I guess that's why you're on here ranting with two back-to-back posts.

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