When I went to court, I saw everything I could possibly imagine. Suing over stepping too often on another person's lawn, driving over it by like a few inches ONLY and asking for compensation for "damage," "mental anguish," for calling someone a "moron," and so so so many other things.
Cases from the MID 80s that are still going on and the people are at each others throats!
Civilian complaints,
looking at people the wrong way,
I mean, even if you do NOTHING WRONG, there are those types of people out there who will just start with you.
WHY, honesttly and this doesn't just apply to Americans, but we're infamous for suing over everything, why do people here generally like to make a huge issue out of everything, and hold grudges forever too?
WHy not let things go?
Are we really that miserable and such huge aholes to THAT degree?
It's disguisting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!