
Why do many White & Black Americans make fun of rice all the times?

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A group of my black neighborhood kids and men are making fun of rice again. I got into a fist fight during my teens because some black kid made fun of rice. My little brother gets picked on because he, Asian, eats rice. They call him "Ching Rice". The word rice is like Chinese or Asian. I get racist remarks about rice many times through out my 20 years life in America. I would like to ask for the first time. What's wrong with rice? I've seen white people eat rice. Black folks the worst making fun of rice, but look, Uncle Ben is RICE! What countries eat rice? I'm upset!




  1. I've never heard of anyone make fun of rice. Actually I live in new england, spent some time living in louisiana where rice is had with everything. A friend of the family came over for dinner alot and used to ask "What's with yall and the creamed potatoes?"  

  2. They're not making fun of the rice, they are making derogatory remarks about your Asian brother and using the food stereotype to do this.  Its the same as people who make fun of Hispanics by calling them "beaners" since Mexican and other Hispanic cultures eat a lot of beans.  Or how people make racist remarks against African Americans by talking about chicken and watermelon.  Pretty much every culture in the world eats rice, beans, and chicken - but some do more so than others so they use this as an attack against that culture.  I'm half Asian and kids would sometimes call me fried rice and chop suey when I was young.  I'm sorry to see your younger bro getting picked on, but its probably best just to ignore it.  Its incredibly rude and offensive, but just so idiotic its not worth getting worked up about.  I wish you the best!

  3. Some ignorant people think that chinese people only eat rice. Maybe that's the reason. Those people you have mentioned are ignorant loosers. I'm sorry for them.

    There is nothing wrong with the rice, everybody and every culture loves it. Every country has its own version. Americans love it, too.

  4. I never thought anyone made fun of rice, it's eaten by everyone

  5. Well... the "brothers" like teasing other people so they feel good about themselves.  

    Just ask those brothers, "Is it true that watermelon and government cheese gives you nappy hair?"

  6. Rice is almost universal and it's fatuous what these idiots are saying to you and your brother.

    Uncle Ben is a corporate idea of someone welcoming looking presenting rice to the consumer, utterly ridiculous.  I don't see how anyone could make fun of a food as commonplace as rice.

  7. Everyone loves rice!

    Black people like brown rice or dirty rice.

    White people... like plain white rice.

    Hispanic people love yellow rice with chicken in it.

    And Italians make the best risotto!

    And asian people have freakin rice cookers, which can double as towel warmers. I love rice.

    And those people who pick on you are stupid. I had a best friend who was Chinese and kids in the neighborhood used to call her chicken fried rice, but whenever she stopped getting angry and ignored them, they stopped.

  8. You have a right to be upset.  That kind of behavior only shows that they are very ignorant.  I think this may be a problem limited to your particular neighborhood.  I live in Los Angeles, a very diverse place and I've never heard of anyone making fun of rice or people who eat rice.

    Please don't feel that all Black people or all white people are that way because that is not true.  Most people appreciate diversity.  I'm sorry you and your little brother have to be subjected to that.  Try to ignore them as much as you can and remember that not everyone is like that.

  9. I am sorry your brother is getting picked on.

    Those people are pathetic & have nothing to do but annoy others.

    Everyone eats rice like the other poster said, mexican, chinese, american, italian, spanish.....ETC.

  10. ho funny, one point every body has to eat rice as food or food which has ingredient as rice.. they might be making fun without this knowledge.... dont worry bro, uncle ben i ve seen it in uk also in us.. not very particular which country.. stay healthy dont bother

  11. I'm Black and I don't make fun of rice. I love rice. I prefer it over potatoes and pasta. Hispanics eat alot of rice too. I don't see anyone making fun of them.

  12. Yeah, I would just ignore them.  People with small minds and low confidence levels use such idiocy to make themselves feel better.  They're probably actually jealous of you and your brother.  Interestingly, I was called a 'cracker' a lot as a child because I'm white.  It didn't have anything to do with eating crackers... just some idiots who needed an ego boost.  Hang in there.  As circumstances change, so will your perspective.  

  13. They are just doing that to annoy you and they know it bothers you. Don't get upset. Be sarcastic about the Unlce Ben SH**. and say ," you eat dirty rice." ahahahahaha

  14. I'm sorry people are making fun of your brother. But I have to be honest I have never in my life heard anyone make fun of rice. I love rice and so do a lot of people. Those boys probably have nothing else to say to him but that so that's why they use this to make fun of him. It isn't even clever.  

  15. Hey, I can relate. I was married to a Korean and our daughter got it at school a lot. Couple of things: the US is the 2nd largest producer and 3rd largest consumer of rice. Rice is the starch of choice in most of the world. Potatoes lag behind a LOT. Rice is also better than and less fattening than potatoes.  

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