
Why do many atheists who call themselves "free thinkers" only like it when people think like them?

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Why do many atheists who call themselves "free thinkers" only like it when people think like them?




  1. We really don't have much in common.  Just one disbelief.

  2. Most of them are just against the idea of forcing religion upon someone

  3. bigots come from all walks of religion(or lack of one)

    i'm betting you'll give the BA to someone you agree with(without having your mind changed).

  4. lots of people like it when others think the way they do.

    but, if we didn't have differing opinions, this section wouldn't be nearly as entertaining.

  5. lol

    Its so funny cuz its so true in here sometimes.

    Free thinker, to some, seems to mean coming to their conclusions, because after all, if you truly were a free thinker like they think they are then you would come to those exact same conclusions, right?


    lol oh look missouri is demonstrating my point perfectly

    all atheists are free thinkers

    all christians are close minded

    LOL to truly believe this conclusion you would have to be one of the most narrowminded people out there

  6. amen u made me smile  

  7. Well, I'm an Agnostic but I will say that you get much more bigotry from Christians than you do for Atheists. And yes, I'm singling Christians out.

  8. I think you are talking about Christians. Us Atheists believe in free thinking, unlike close-minded Christians. We WANT you to be able to think freely, and not have religion forced down your throat. WE don't go door-to-door pushing our beliefs onto others.

  9. Same as round earthers. They impose ideas against flat earth like crazy.

    d**n nut cases


        The existence of a literal god is not a matter of opinion. Your question suggests I should respect your point of view as a valid opinion, which it is not. This is not about anything other than facts. Either there are gods/god or there are not. Therefore, I am not interested in your opinion, but in facts concerning this matter. Ego and desire have no place in the god debate. There is no evidence of any gods. Most theists share the religion of their parents and broader culture. They are not shopping around, studying and considering religion freely before they commit. Most are simply indoctrinated by their parents. Many are completely mentally locked down and shut off on the subject of religion. So no, in that case they are not free thinkers. Thay are merely programed religion-bots.

    There are free thinkers who do not think as I do on many subjects. We have various opinions on subjective matters. However, the question of gods' existance is no different than that of Big Foot or Santa Claus. It is not a subjective matter.  

  11. How can everyone be right?

  12. The "free thinker" label is only in reference to religion, not having a herd-like mentality.  I don't like when people think they have the authority to push their religion on others, if that's what you mean.  It's not the belief itself that's the problem.

  13. You keep on forgetting that atheism is not a philosophy with a set of rules and regulations. An atheist can be a capitalist or a communist, a producer or a parasite, an honest person or a criminal. Atheists disagree with each other on all sorts of things.

  14. That's not true, at all.  I, for one, enjoy listening to people of all beliefs, including those who profess a belief in a god.

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