
Why do many christians still beleive that Charles Darwin renounced evolution and accepted jesus?

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while on his deathbed? Even though his daughter Henrietta and those who knew him best and who were actually at his bedside during his last weeks said Darwin's last words, spoken to his wife Emma, were in actuality, "I am not in the least afraid to die."




  1. LOL!  I have been told that one myself!  

    The problem is the same as with the one where Jesus/Yeshua was seen hitchhiking on the expressway in the USA.  It is like little children telling ghost stories that they have made up and then you end up seeing it on Tv on the show fact or fiction.  To quote Forest Gump, "Stupid is as stupid does, momma always said."  Many religious people believe everything that their clergy tell them.  For me I trust god not man or his words.  

    Hope I helped


  2. Their position requires lies about the opposition in order to justify their beliefs...

  3. none of the ones i know even care one way or the other!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Its not about what someone else is doing. Salvation is personal..

  4. First of all, Darwin, to the best of my knowledge, never openly denounced Jesus.

    He was raised as a Christian, albeit hardly an orthodox one, and finished a theology study - he even intended to be a country pastor.

    There were things in his life that caused him to reject Christian doctrine (which he, as a theologist, would have known better than most Christians) - the notion of h**l, which he found reprehensible;  the cruelty and wastefulness he observed in nature, and personal tragedy, particularly the death of his young daughter.

    But he never became an atheist, at the least not openly; agnostic is probably the most honest term.

    Of course, the story about Lady Hope (sic) and Darwin's recantation on his deathbed is, in the light of his life, a colossal absurdity, not to mention immensely insulting. If Darwin fostered such doubts about his theory and life in general, he would have been open about it. Why not? Pride? Yeah, Charles Darwin, famous for his arrogance... LOL!

    Christians - at least those that believe that story, and I doubt there are even that many - want to believe it because they are insecure. And they have every reason to be: their god is slowly being throttled to death by science, and Charles Darwin was a champion of science.

  5. But why would it even be important? Evolution doesn't stand or fall on anything Darwin said. If Newton had renounced gravity would apples stop falling from trees?

  6. it makes a good story I suppose. This is my fave collection for Christian tripe.

  7. They believe it because they read it in a Chick tract, and that pride that comes with insider knowledge prevents them from learning the facts for themselves.

  8. Utter desperation, the only thing that is living in end times is their religion.

  9. Because the theists are notorious for spreading misinformation.

  10. I have no idea why they would think that.  Charles Darwin was a church-going Christian long before his deathbed.  Anyone who has studied Darwin should know that.  They should also know that Darwin saw evolution as a result instead of a cause.  In fact, in his writings, Darwin concluded that the agent of change was unknown.  For a scientist, that came very close to a declaration of God.  Too bad most evolutionists misuse both the name of Darwin and his works.  So do so-called "Darwinians".

  11. For the same reason they say Hitler was an Atheist (He was a christian, read Mein Kampf, read his Apr 12 1922 Speech in Munich, he justified his anti-semitism as doing gods work as a good christian.  Even up to the last years of his life he was a practicing catholic.)

    For the same reason so many rail against the theory of evolution while their churches accept it as fact and non-contradictory with their religious beliefs (except for the fundamentalists and evangelicals churches who reject it.)

    Because it's something they've been told and they've never verified or learned anything about it at all, they take it as canon because it is something they wanted to believe to begin with.

  12. . . . usual Church propaganda!

  13. Well if he didn't deny evolution before his death, he certainly denies it now.

  14. I think I'd heard he had accepted the possibility of a God, but he certainly didn't accept Christianity.

    EDIT:  Three thumbs down, when clicking on the link above confirms he leaned towards agnosticism or deism.  Three thumbs down.

  15. Christians will grasp at any story that will shore up their fragile belief system.  

  16. probably for the same reason that despite the amount of lives lost in failed trips, and the number of actual survivors andequipment left over, people still believe that all the apollo missions were staged.

    they are crackpots.

  17. Why should a person who spent his life studying a particular topic have any credibility when discussing it anyway?  I'd rather take my queues from someone who got all their knowledge from an old book, written by a scientifically backward people, and spends their free time snorting crystal meth off a male prostitute.  It makes more sense to me.

  18. Too late for him now.  So who cares.  His fate is in the hands of the God he choose not to follow.  Best of luck Mr. D.  you'll definitely need it!  We will all stand before the God many of you choose not to follow, you will be held accountable for your thoughts and actions.  Repent of your sins (turn the other way) and trust in the savior (Jesus Christ) and you will have everlasting life.  Otherwise, the lake of fire is your only destination.

    Just My Thoughts!

  19. I don't know whether Darwin renounced evolution and accepted Christ's salvation or not. But why on earth are people today still accepting the fairytales that he dreamt up. That is what baffles me!

  20. it is just to try to get other people to reject it

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