
Why do many communities mandate recycling?

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Why do many communities mandate recycling?




  1. No one ever closes a landfill because they get too heavy. They close because they get too full. Instead of throwing away materials that have some value counties enforce rules and laws to ensure these items are reused and we use less resources. In addition states also pass laws that require counties to reduce total waste to landfill by a specific amount. In CA that amount was a 50% diversion rate.

  2. To cut costs of getting rid of garbage. It's cheaper for them to sell it back for recycling, Yet they still scam the comsumer/ home owner by charging a FEE to pick up your trash any way.

  3. Most things are not cost-effective to recycle so the government needs to either require companies to do it anyway, at a loss which is pretty much the same a robbery, or by subsidizing it to make it profitable. That means taking money away from programs it's taxpayers may think are more important so it's up to each community to make that decision.

    Newspapers and aluminum cans are easily recycled, many metal items are also melted down and re-used. Lots of things that could be recycled do just go to the landfill instead, even in some areas where the residents sort their trash. It lets them feel good while not actually costing the government or disposal site any extra money.

    If you need actual numbers for a project, you might try the EPA website.

  4. The sheer volume of things thrown away takes up a lot of space and is uneconomical.  Landfills use up lots and lots of space and can have toxic effects on the region if they leak contaminants into the soil and groundwater.

    A lot of communities make recycling a part of their service to the public because the residents ask for it.  Civic groups and environmental organizations ask for city-funded recycling as a way of doing good work.

    Furthermore, recycling helps the local and national economy.  For example, instead of buying the materials to create aluminum from overseas nations, recycling uses resources already available on native soil and creates jobs.  When you recycle, you are helping the American economy, so buy American!  Recycle!

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