
Why do many people call men 'feminized' if the qualities such men display are not 'feminine'?

by Guest60814  |  earlier

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  1. To me a guy who's "feminized" is someone who doesn't have the balls to stand up for his manhood. Instead he just bends over hopes enough @ss kissing will win feminists "approval" of him. Pathetic.

    It's been proven that women are biologically attracted to the Alpha male masculine guy. Not the sissy "pretty boy" nice guy.

  2. Because they want to show off that they've learnt a big new word!!! Even if they don't know the meaning of it...

    So many drone on about men being feminized but they don' know what they are talking about.

  3. I agree, your original question only contained negative characteristics deemed feminine.  Your tunnel vision bit you in the butt.  You weren't satisfied with the answers so you basically reposted the question and insulted the answers who's view did not favor your view...I can totally see why you have concerns with attracting men.

  4. The inherent basis of your question is ambiguous as feminized men are defined as exhibiting feminine behaviour.

    This is an typical display of post-modern feminism in its inherent hatred of classic works (deemed to be the result of a highly malicious 'Patriarchy') such as the Oxford Dictionary of English.  This work is excellent and clearly there is contempt for it by this movement, simply for the sheer purpose of acting as a mere reference tool.  Now there is no more suitability for dictionairies or prior standards as they are not subjectively defined by the machinations of post-modern feminism.

  5. Your first question was flawed - the point is, no - one in their right mind lists any of those as 'feminine' qualities - what's the obsession with that rather bizarrely written article, which you've just grabbed words & phrases from, regardless of context?

  6. diffident, overweight, shrinking violet’

    ‘stupid sap’

    ‘dull and fulfilling’

    ‘doesn’t answer back’

    ‘offers no challenge or danger’

    ‘ridiculous sissies’

    ‘drippy, sexless bores’

    ‘flabby invertebrates, little more than doormats'

    ‘pliant and feeble’

    ‘won’t upset the apple cart by pursuing dreams and instincts of [her] own’

    ‘weak and soulless’


    ‘fawning cowardice’

    None of these so called qualities i would ever consider Feminine

    Ones i would consider are






    Just because you can list a bunch of so called qualities and and claim they are Feminine does not make them true,they are purely qualities of Objectified doormats.

  7. Sam the reason people like me visit and ask/answer questions here is that we hope to learn something about the human condition and to help others to understand something anything.

    There are some who visit who have no intention of learning or understanding anything about anything or anyone, but just desire to score cheep shots

    There a few that stand out as such person, I often hope that some of the questions and answers would help some think, analyse and ponder some things, as they do me

    But when I see some of the lame, badly thought out things posted

    I despair

    Some of the answers are so poor it makes one wonder!

    And sad to say the poorest, least well thought out, the most sarcastic drivel comes from the feminists…..

    Therefore it is easy for people to take cheep shots at them to see answers like (so are men any better then, are they? I think not, lol men are weak. Etc, etc. etc)

    This is what people do to those with ridged mind and thinking, and that is because, there is no debate, no learning!!

  8. Well, are any qualities really feminine, or masculine, or inherently good or bad?  Some people call things feminised to mean bad, like 'g*y' = bad.  It's all just bigoted name calling really, and says a lot more about their views than they might admit :-)

  9. My idea of a feminized man is one who has been indoctrinated by the messages and propaganda we have listening to for decades now, he will feel guilt and shame for being male and will go out of his way to show that he is not one of the majority of inherently evil men who are running around exploiting, raping and murdering women for fun every day of the week. He is unsure of himself because he has been tricked into believing that he is by nature wrong as per the feminist message.

    I think the description linked is of a male who has conformed to the feminist ideal of what a male should be rather than a list of feminine qualities.

    I think we have different interpretations the term feminized.

    Objectors will use it in this context.

    A feminized legal system does not have feminine qualities, it reflects the feminist belief that one gender is bad and the other is good.

    A feminized education system does not have feminine qualities, it just focuses on the needs of the female students above the males.

    A feminized employment policy will discriminate against males.


    Does that make sense to you?

    Well chicken, does it?   :  )

  10. it never said those qualities are feminine. they are qualities of the weak man that cannot do better than a feminist. Masculine men with 6 pack abs and confident alpha male mentality is what intimidates feminist. This is what real women want. Feminine is slim, s**y, obedient, and soft, delicate features and character. Little girl need literacy course?

  11. It's just a blind insult from trolls who can't be bothered with original thought.

  12. They are bogged down too much in erroneous abstractions that they stack into irrational constructions that lead to no illumination because only rational constructions are workable in reality, and the dissonance between an irrational construction and reality confuses and seems threatening to them so they cope with unhealthy ego-defensive mechanisms and bite their fingernails nervously.

    But, also, they are still either in their "girls have cooties" stage of development and think whatever "girls" are is icky, or they are ladened with Master / Slave moralities and acculturations that say women are inferior than men, therefore to be like a woman is something bad, undesireable or wrong.  Those abstractions are erroneous and incompatible with reality and so people can feel a disharmony or dissonance in those belief systems and abandon rationality and regress back into or wallow/languish in ego-defensive coping startegies.

    In reality, the rise of mankind has been toward what fundamentally we associate feminity to be.  Feminity is clearly not whatever we transiently, subjectively assign it to be through "gender role" behaviors.  When pressed to define femininity and masculinity, time and time again here, I see lists of HUMAN qualities.  One cannot say that "nurturing" for example, is only a quality of women.  Or, one cannot say that courage is only a quality of men.  So, what do ALL humans identify and mean deep down by the notion of femininity?

    The original ancient etiology of the phrase, "the fairer s*x" comes from the dichotomy of fair=just and foul=unjust.  Men historically have viewed women as being the more "fair" s*x in that regard.  That hails from the early human mother-child relationship in which we were helped to live by our mothers rather than preyed on.  Early humans never again had it as good as when they were in their mothers' care, never as warm or able to sleep without worry or easily find food or shelter.  Our entire rise as a species has been through our explorations of the world around us for better ways to live as comfortably and safely and "justly" as we did within our mother-child relationship, better ways such as clothes to stay as warm as we did when snuggled up to our mothers, better ways to find and store food to stay as well-fed as we did with our mothers, better ways to protect ourselves from predators and each other as our mothers did for us, better ways to live with compassion and mercy in our societies.

    We especially wanted better ways to live together in peace and compassion and mercy as our mothers treated us without so much viciousness and predatorial threat, so we've struggled to rise above vicious predatorial savagery through laws, notions of order and rules of "feminine" or maternal social behavior such as the Ten Commandments and the U.S. Constitution.  The entire rise of mankind has been away from savagery and Master / Slave moralities into humanistic values of treating each other with respect and mercy.  It is not at all about good=female and bad=male.  It's about all of us rising as an animal species out of savagery into greater comfort, peace, safety and consciousness.  In that, I must say men are most definitely becoming "feminized".  And that is good.  

    Men have long expected their female spouses to create for them mini-maternal utopias of justice and safety and comfort in their marital relationships and private kingdom of their homes.  And with the rise of women many men feel horribly shook up over the notion that those mini-utopias are being lost.  GOOD!  It's time for men to want and work toward and fight for a more just, compassionate and merciful SOCIETY for all of us rather than just for themselves alone in their seperate peaces with a surrogate mommy.

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