
Why do many people consider women as bodies for s*x???

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I hate this limited vision of women but unfortunately it is widespread!!!




  1. First off, look at the way we are portrayed: on television, we have zero personality, hardly a brain cell, and wear tight, skimpy outfits that show off our physical assets. In usually "male" magazines, we are pictured as s*x objects-naked, often in sexually explicit positions. Models and starlets are wearing as little clothing as possible and making s*x tapes. Secondly, from the old times (which actually aren't so old) we were only used for physical satisfaction and housework. This is a widespread and ignorant view of women and I hate it too. That's why we should attempt to make a stand or a change by showing the world, "Hey, I actually have a brain cell! I can read! I'm more than a s*x slave!" Unfortunately, that's easier said than done.

  2. It all depends on the woman...she is the one that decides what she wants to be looked as, a toy for s*x or a woman whom u can have a future with. Guys are all different, not every one is the same. It just depends on the girl and what she wants to be. Simple as that. Don't blame the guys for something we can control.

  3. What a stupid suggestion.

    If women where only good for s*x who would do the washing, ironing, hoovering, washing up and cooking?

  4. Because we live in a patriarchal society (male dominated society) and many women are still viewed as second class citizens, (see the idiots comments "male" who intially responded to your question. This opinion if you want to call it that is how many women are still viewed, However due to feminism, things have slowly changed.

  5. Well aren't we? I see men that way too, I know its not all we're here for, but most people see procreation as the purpose of human life. This involves s*x, so what's wrong with that?

  6. Here you are love, iron this shirt.

  7. So, do you have a picture?  You seem hot.

  8. i think you make your self s*x slaves. i watched a p**n movie long long time ago when i was a teenager. the actoress was obeying the director like a dog and let the pennis go deep to the throat make her sick. i do not know, was she enjoying as the man! business is business, init?

    in iran ( the village i came from ) women are dominated but there is no s*x slaves, believe me.

  9. well,be d**n lilia.because we're women are superior, our bodies are sexier than theirs and we're so ******* intelligent!! that why, and stop worrying yourself,darling!

  10. Women are for having babies, that is what they are built for, or haven't you noticed?

  11. Its the nature of the beast.  Men are naturally sexually attracted in that way.  Animals in the wild do the same.  Its nature.

  12. It's because men know there are very few women they can get on with in the long term, so rather than waste time getting to know them all we just enjoy the eye candy.

  13. Our society is organised in such a way as to place women firmly in the role of s*x object.  Make up and clothing and socialisation through music and culture all lead down the same path.

    If a young men is sensitive to a womans perspective, he will be percieved to be g*y.  If a young woman tries to get away from the stereotypical stryles and fashions, then she will be seen as L*****n.

    It is not what people consider, it is what we are all programmed to accept and perpetuate.

  14. THAT'S NOT TRUE!!!! They cook and clean too.

  15. Because they are!!! ALL humans instictively view the other gender as a Baby maker.  If we didn't see each other as potential sexual partners the human race would be over.


    Just because we see s*x (males and females do this) doesn't mean thats all we see.

  16. I don't-They are good a housework as well

  17. Simone de Beauvoir answered this question well.

  18. I treat and think of everyone as a person. To reduce a person to a function is the start of de-humanisation and that is a path to dark things.

  19. some women allow themselves to be such a thing. Sorry, but its the cold truth. Women have the upper hand in the s*x thing. They control weather it happens or not, so if they constantly let it happen the they are no more than a body for s*x.

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