
Why do many people enjoy pain from humiliation and slight torture within s*x acts?

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Is that a lag of civilization? I think it's inborn recorded on our genes, then is this a good evolution or bad of human beings? Is this helpful or harmful for our minds? Should we restrain the thing?




  1. For most people who do this, it's less about the pain and humiliation themselves than about the power exchange. In a healthy relationship, there is no real degredation in these acts, the people engaged in them find them freeing. For the person submitting, it's about surrendering control and demonstrating trust, like an advanced game of trust-fall exercises. For the dominant, it's a chance to feel powerful, respected, and trusted; they feel safe. Psychologically, it's a way of reaffirming that both partners trust eachother. Masochism adds another aspect to the game, and where masochism comes from, I have no guess. Hope this clarified some things.

  2. because casual s*x is becoming more and more like a regular/social activity, no longer something secret or sacred. I guess some people are just so used to it and they need a little more extreme to get off.

  3. None of the above.  It's just a sexual preference...nothing more, nothing less.  I don't understand it, either, but I don't judge.

  4. most shrinks think its something to do with our childhoods (like spanking=love) but s*x for humans back in our caveman days was probably unloving. everyone has strange quirks but i believe its not harmful or bad evolution its just the way peoples minds work

  5. i think just by coincidence people may have one experiance with this (ie theyre partner was REALLY good in bed) and get subconsciosly convinced that its because they were tourtured

  6. coz their mentally sick s*x is sappose to be used good and express love 4 1 another

  7. That's a bizarre question, because

    if you've ever experienced it, I mean

    with consent or not, the slight pain

    or agony of being pinched in places

    or being tickle-tortured until its painful,

    can make the climax like 10 times

    more intense. Why, I have no clue.

    I was dared into being tickle-tortured

    by 2 friends who were into BDSM,

    and although they scared me they

    forced me to an o****m where I

    thought I was split open, but I was

    in total ecstacy. The human body is strangely made!

  8. what?

    i suck...

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