
Why do many people feel better by putting others down?

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I noticed even my own cousins enjoy it when I feel down...I guess that's life!




  1. Seems to be part of human psychology. Some primitive

    leftover instinct from the time when we would push and jostle each other at the food trough.?

  2. Some people enjoy putting others down.It's only because theyre are jealous and they think making you feel bad only makes them better.I'm guilty of it.I used to do the same to my friend because she was jealous of me.I made her look so bad and made her feel worse so I looked better but it only made matters worse.Then again some people dont realize that they are doing it.

  3. Because they are thinking so low of themselves and only making others feel miserable helps them somehow feel important; they practically fool themselves doing that.

  4. Inside they are insecure and have nothing nice or kind to say other than the pathetic garbage from their mouths. It makes them feel superior. I have a brother like this. He puts everyone of us down but his misery is created by himself and seeing us happy makes him feel better by insulting us.

  5. Hi--It has to do with feeling insecure about who they are as a person. There self-esteem (the way they feel about themselves) is usually down, & they like to "take everyone else down with them" type approach. Good Luck & Take Care. =]

  6. Its a mental self defense reaction. Its done more out of fear thereby lifting oneself up. Plus its one of those primative ranking orders. You put the other person down, assures you move up in rank. But in the 21st century, it is totally useless.

    Also I suspect that somehow it relieves stress.

  7. The problem is they have very low selfsteem themselves so they are always in a bad mood even if you dont realize it. Therefore, when they say ugly things to others and realize they feel bad about it, its like a vitamin drink for them to feel better themselves or at least thats what their selfish mind tells them, but no matter what they are always miserable deep inside.

  8. I ask that same question daily...I just think at times people think they just have some god given right to put people down and they seem to enjoy it.  People frankly that are like that to me are just hateful.  I don't think it's cute, I don't think it makes people look great for being unthoughtless ego-manics.  Some people think that type of behavior empowers them in some sick way.  I think people who do this are not happy with life in general and they want to make the rest of us miserable with them.  They really need to grow up and get a life.

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