
Why do many people fight racism with racism?

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Some minorities would be racist to white people because of something only a few white people did. Same thing goes for some white people.

Okay s***w the word some. We all know 80% of humanity does this

Why would someone generalize every single last person in a certain race just for what a certain group of people did to them. Don't tell me an entire race of people, the men, the women, the children, infants, every last one of them was making racist remarks to someone who generalizes an entire race. I'm just not buying it.




  1. You F***n FREAK!!!!!!!

  2. The main reason is because when someone is angry they lash out without being rational. If they really think about it they would realize that fighting hate with hate solves nothing and the cycle just continues.Thats why racism can never end.

  3. Racism is learned. If you don't believe that, go watch a group of kindergartners play. They all play with one another and color isn't an issue at all. As they get older they are exposed to peoples racist views and most, unfortunately, adopt these views for themselves.

  4. omg you're the first person to say what's on my mind!!  I completely agree with you.  It seems like the minorities are bitter and it's not good to be racist back in turn when only the rich, powerful white minoritiy is selfish.  White people are like that except more in their actions.  They kinda separate themselves.  

    Everyone should forget the past, what's done is done.  We should treat each other like we never met before.  New beginnings.

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