
Why do many "Christians" on here feel the need to attack Roman Catholicism?

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And I ask this as someone who is *not* a Catholic....yet ;-)

Not all protestant/evangelicals on here do so but there is a large number of supposed Christians whose questions and answers regarding Catholicism are anything but Christian.

On what basis are such remarks made?

And do these people realize that almost everything they believe originated in Catholic teaching?




  1. Tuberoot I can vouch that Hermetic Pilgrim is NOT attacking Roman Catholics and is on the Path to become a Catholic.

    In answer to your question because misrepresenting and misinterpretations are taught from certain pulpits about Catholics, and some seem to think we are in the Reformation Era with Martin luther and Henry VII 'Rolls Eyes'!.

  2. Many of them are misled by Satan.

  3. prosidents are delusion and twist the bible to suit them

  4. They are on mission from h**l to malign the Church founded by Jesus.

    And do you notice them crawling out from under the rock everytime a question with the word 'Catholic' is asked?

    Some even pretend to know more about Catholic doctrines than the Pope and all the Catholics.

  5. By the nature of their origin, Protestants have always have this feeling of superiority towards others and possess a type of hatred towards the Church that can only be compared to to the relationship between a mother and her wayward daughter in whose eyes everything the mother does or stands for is characterized as evil.  Just look at most of the responses to this question.

    Many have even appropriated the name "Christian" for themselves, not realizing how ridiculous it sounds("I am a Smith and i got it from my father while she was just married into the family!")  because if they claim to be chocolate, is the Catholic Church a Hershey's?

    And many of these so-called Protestant churches seem only to exist and to flourish demonizing  Catholicism.  While it is their prerogative, many have neglected to develop their own spirituality- that distinctive level of understanding of the faith that arises only from reflection and contemplation.  Many memorize entire passages from the bible that strengthen their presumption of rectitude.

    Not surprisingly, many of their followers soon experienced a type of aridity in their church-life ,an expression of alienation that soon gave way to agressive cynicism.  What started at the turn of the 19th century as a strong young nation steeped in its  Puritanical Protestant tradition, America had become by mid-century the land of the free-thinkers and home of the brave and aggressive atheists.                                                                                          

    Many of these irascible and angst-filled atheists have once not so long ago  been members of one of these sterile if not sterilized Christian churches. Carrying over their background of rabid anti-Catholicism they dominate forums such as YA using arguments and language characteristically reminiscent of the days of Calvin and Knox .

    While atheists and Protestants normally exhange barbs at YA, they often jointly gang-up on Catholicism, an instinct they have developed  from having been reared once in the same crib.  

    But there are Protestant groups out there who can rightly be called the True Glorious fruits of the Reformation.  Although they broke away from the Catholic Church due to doctrinal differences, they have developed their own church spirituality from what they believe about Christianity, not from what other branches of Christianity do not believe.  Of them we Catholics could say, "you are not far from the Kingdom of Heaven."  

  6. As a convert to the Catholic Church 40 yr's ago and raised in a anti Catholic home i can tell you from my own experiences that it is to be quite frank considered fashionable in those Protestant circles to teach hate towards the Catholic Church.If you attempt to show them a article or a book that is supportive of the Catholic Church they will refuse to read it as they will say it was written by a Catholic so it has twisted historical facts around.Funny but it was articles by Catholic Haters that got me to wondering why they hated Catholicism so bad.It did not happen over night but i with not one word from a Priest or Nun and reading the bible versus they claimed the Catholic Church twisted it true meaning came to slowly realize it was indeed the Church Christ founded and protestantism was a fulfillment of the Prophesy that in the latter day's there would be a falling away from the faith. Just look at all the things Christ said and his Apostles preached against that Protestants allow such as Divorce,birth control,abortion for starters.Yes there are those who claim to be Catholic that are Guilty of all that but official Church teaching is totally unchanged in it's stand against the mentioned practices even after 2,000 years.Christ never said it was easy to gain Heaven and would it not be nice if all you had to do like some would tell you is simply believe.

  7. except for the "plan", known as split off and then disrespect, starting with martin luther, i don't know

    since catholics believe they must _do_ something, not "just believe", they are closer to the "truth" than many protestants...

  8. Well, most people who are anti-Catholic were/are either:

    1.  Raised that way, like I was.

    2.  Former Catholics who became fundamentalist Christians.

    A few months ago, I probably would have said that Catholics have a lot of beliefs that are "unbiblical."  I don't believe that anymore, but I do understand where the anti-Catholics are coming from.  Many of them have no, or very little, understanding of what the Catholic Church is, and what she stands for.  Many of them have heard verses quoted out of context that seem to be anti-Catholic, but if read within Scriptural context, truly aren't.  Many of them have a skewed view of church history, and have never truly studied it.

    I can't remember the exact quote, or who said it, but he said something like, "I propose that no one hates the Catholic Church.  They mistakenly hate what they believe is Catholicism."

    I had a lot of misunderstandings of Catholicism as well, so I do understand.  I'm in that "no man's land" of Christianity:  Somewhere between Catholic and Protestant.

  9. It all starts by bigitry clouding their idea of truth.

  10. Everything I believe originated with Christ's teachings, not the Catholic church. And I will point out yet again, that even a cursory reading of the New Testament will reveal that many of the Catholic church's teachings have no basis in what Jesus or the Apostle's taught.  

  11. I most agreed!!!

  12. I would say lack of understanding and the intellectual laziness that won't allow them to read a legitimate source that would actually educate them.  They probably heard it all from someone who is, for whatever reason, quite prejudice.  However, I grew up as an Episcopalian in a town that had a lot of Roman Catholics and was frequently told by them that I was inferior because I wasn't a Catholic.  I realize that is not how all Catholics are, but if people have encountered a lot of that, I can sort of understand their stance.  However, most of my closest friends are Catholic now.  

  13. nope

  14. Revelations 17

    read all of it

    as it is the city of the harlot with the blood of all the martyrs of Jesus on her hands

    take up the matter with God, He wrote the end and will tell you why the religion is so dangerous as

    It teaches that the Pope is Jesus and you must make confession before a man, and not God,

    Pedophillia is rife

    all kinds of practises that are

    most ungodly are

    exercised openly and unashamedly



    and all

    of Romans chapter 1 that God warns us to not do,

    they practice openlly and unashamedly,

    even the Chinese communists are ashamed at their sorry practises.

  15. Because they get indoctrinated into thinking what they believe and only their set of beliefs is the right way to God.  However there are so many different ways!!

  16. Oh don't kid yourself! (This post is NOT about attacking Roman Catholics, ok?)

    We get questions from those who say that they are Roman Catholics that are aimed at belitting non Roman Catholics, i.e. Protestants. And it can start from either side, but neither side is innocent.


    Perhaps unwittingly you have done it yourself with this:  

    "And do these people realize that almost everything they believe originated in Catholic teaching?"

    No. I realize that at the Council of Nicea, there were others there partaking in what they were doing who were not Roman Catholic. It is my understanding that out of the numbers of those who were there, most were from the 'east', and were not from the west. There were Roman Catholics there, but many, many of those there were not!

    So perhaps in order to get a full story of what made Christianity 'Christianity', you might want to read something other than Roman Catholic sources.

    Especially the part where in church history, there were no Roman Catholics as they are today. None of the Apostles were Roman Catholics, for instance.

    EDIT AGAIN: I will post many links. Why did my initial response get so many thumbs down, three?!

    Could it be that one of the problems is that neither side wants to be fair?;...;...;...;...;...;...

    (Especially his attitude on what he said here: "Protestants teach that, the death of Jesus on cross was a license for all of us to sin freely, without any fear of h**l!"

    Which is wrong to the extreme.

    I could go on. I've been around a long time. I'm sure that old Godzilla there can be assured that he is wrong.

  17. People here at yahoo R&S tend to be on the rude side the longer they have been here and the more questions they answer. So in that though I see a lot of atheist attack Catholicism as well ot more than other christians. Since they constantly remind us of the Inquisition, the crusades and Adolph Hitler!

    I do disagree that almost everything we christians believe came from the catholic religion. It came from Jesus Christ himself and he was a JEW!

  18.    The protestants actually owe the Catholics big time, because with out them Christianity would have died a long time ago. According to them there were no christians until 1517 LOL

  19. NOT, tuberoot! Please post even one link? I have *never* seen this, and I waste a LOT of time here!

  20. The Prots have little but their own delusion going for them.  Catholics have a real connection to the Lord through the Sacraments and the joy of knowing they are part of God's ordained Church.

  21. I do not know. I wish we all Christians got along. Don't we all believe in Christ? Then why attack each other? We love the same God and we follow Christ.  

  22. Because if you want a lie to live you first need to kill the truth!

  23. I've always wondered this as well, and have come across these types of attacks periodically through my life.

    If other Christians really want to evangelize the Good News, they should look at Catholics as their Christian brothers and sisters, and try to gain as many followers for Christ as possible, instead of denouncing everything Catholics do.

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