
Why do men Develope a large belly as they get older?

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I was curious and hoping to find the answer so i can prevent this.

People say it's a beer belly, but like my dad doesn't drink beer and he still gets an unusually large belly, it's not fat either, it's kinda solid but big like a pregnant woman! also other guys i know dont drink beer but their belly is quite large. What's up with that?

What is the condition?




  1. It is fat,but it is around the internal organs of the stomach, liver, etc. The abdominal muscles lay on top of that fat so it seems as if there is less fat. This type of fat accumulation is much more dangerous health-wise, as it directly affects the function and efficiency of those organs.  

  2. becuase they stop goin to the gym,

  3. As men age their metabolism slows down.  Unfortunately, they don't cut down on what they eat and don't always like to exercise to to get rid of any excess weight.  Men are also far less likely to allow slight weight gains to bother them (something very different for women) and little weight gains add up after a while.

    It could be too that because he does not exercise as much, or has a job that might not require too much exertion, the muscles in his abdominal area have become weak, and they no longer can hold in everything down there like they used to do.

    There is also the slight possibility of an undiagnosed tumor.  Only a doctor could determine that though.

  4. Too much eating - not enough exercise.  Briskly walking for a minimum of 30 minutes every day helps keep body in decent shape.

  5. To hold the chips and the dip, silly kid!

    No seriously, there metabolism changes and it takes less food to turn into fat, which is stored on top of there belly muscles ( as you call them ), and sides of their waists. In women it is a little different but, extra fat is stored on the woman's butt, belly, b*****s, arms, and thighs.

    Exercise and diet will do the trick. Oh, and if your over 40 a hot young model will be enough motivation for you to start running a 4 am.

  6. lots of beer.... and hotdogs and burgers and no exercise

  7. it's fat.

    not all "men develope" them. only the fat, unfit ones.  

  8. It's called omentum.  Men just have more of it.  Too much omentum is dangerous to your health.

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