
Why do men act like they don't care?

by  |  earlier

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I know this guy and we talk a lot. We both live far away so we don't get to see each other much. But everyday we talk or send a few messages. Sometimes he acts ( lack of a better word) all whatever, like he doesn't care about me. What is up with this?




  1. I think this has to do with the theory that sometimes a woman will like you more if you pay less attention to her at times. Or maybe he just doesn't care. So either he wants you to like him more or he wants you to leave him alone.

  2. its not an act, sometimes men just don't care

  3. Men act like they don't care because it's a way for them to maintain distance. Why distant you ask? Perhaps he's just not that into you. Too brutally honest for ya?

    On the other hand, it's also a way for them to keep your interest. If he let you into his world too quickly, he probably realizes that whatever relationship is there would get real boring real fast.

    Try acting like you don't care. Dont call or message him for one or more days, even if he initiates the conversation. You might be surprised how quickly you'll spark his interest. ;o)

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