
Why do men and women think they are "equal" to each other? Are they?

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Why do men and women think they are "equal" to each other? Are they?

And what about those people who believe that they are "more equal than equal", that the law should give them special preferential rights over and above others?




  1. Equal in which sense?

    They ARE equally human, however much some morons still refuse to accept it.

    There's no such thing as "more equal than equal" -- no one thinks that, as it makes NO sense at ALL.

  2. Well, they're not *really* equal.

    I mean, we're different from each other, there's no denying that. However, in value, we are definitely equal. A woman is as good as a man, but they're not the same.

    You can't be more equal than others. You're either equal, or you're not.

  3. There is a fine line between 'equal' and 'equal rights'.

    Men and women are obviously NOT equal.  For example, a man doesn't have the 'right' to carry a child in his womb.  However, we have equal rights under the law.  This can get us into sticky moral situations.  Example:

    A man, a car salesman by trade,  shows up to work dressed in women's clothing, wearing lipstick.  Should he have the 'right' to dress however he wants?  Or does the bussiness have the right to protect it's interests at the cost of this man's self-expression?  Personally, in this case, I would say that the bussiness has a right to protect itself...but isn't it funny that appearance is often times more important than substance in such situations?

  4. I do not think all men and women are equal. We are all better or worse at something than others, there are things typical of men and typical of women and many differences between men and say we are equal, as in the same, would be pretty ridiculous and down right ignorant.  However, we all deserves equal rights both legally in the books and legally enforced, as well as socially expected of one another.  We have yet to accomplish this, and sadly probably never will.

  5. Don't confuse 'equal' with 'congruent'.

    In the matter of rights and respect they should be equal,

    otherwise "Vive la differance!"

    As to those who feel they deserve special consideration:

    They're entitled to their opinion.

    We're entitled to disagree.

  6. yes, different but definitely equal.

  7. ofcouse they're are.!.

    every person in this world are equal

  8. Equal worth, but not identical.

    Thank you Irv S, for bringing the same message with some fresh, new words.

  9. the are different, females are better in some aspects and the men in others e.g men are very bad in patience while the woman are not , men are less emotional and more rational  than women there is whole list in which one is better performer than the other and when we add up , at the end they are equal.

    There is no such thing that one is superior to other and there is no such thing either that they are same .

    we need each other to survive not only for sexual reason but in every aspect of life

  10. Everyone is equal, some are just more equal then others.

  11. Men and women are equal in worth and should be treated in such a manner.  It is interesting to note that in India the ratio of males being born is so much higher than females and this may lead to a severe shortage of women.  The value of men in that country is seen as more than women yet in the long run their will be nobody to carry the child period.  Rather ironic.

  12. Sometimes yes; sometimes no.  I'll explain.  A woman will get arrested for the same crime, that's a form of equality. However, she, due to her status in society most often will receive a lesser sentence. Truth be told sometimes those sentences are flea-bargained. Moving quickly to divorce; quite often; sometimes unfairly the woman is always sure to win; when it comes right down to it; some of those women didn't want to win in the first place; it happens at times.  Equal that I a woman can post on here just like any man, that I can go potty.

  13. as men and women we are equal, it's in law, and society that the inequality occurs..<^><...

  14. Yes all human beings are equal to eachother. Equal doesn't mean the same. I'm a fundamentalist so I believe that everybody is society is just as important. True is equality is that the bin man is given the same respect and is just as important as the brain surgeon.

  15. i believe that men and women are equal and we should all have the same rights, ok somethings women are better at and somethings men are better at, but if you added them all up i'm sure we would be equal.

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