
Why do men ask for a pic of me?

by  |  earlier

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its usually guys that I don't even know ...they work at my place but this guy had trembly hands and ask if he can take a pic of me? as well as other guys be4...

whats the point?? I would think they would want a number or something instead...hmmm

Thanks bunches :D




  1. Asking for your picture is a complement for you. Beauty always rules, is the unwritten norm down the centuries. It would not be exaggeration to state that even God likes the beauty. I saw your pic displayed on this page. If you do not take it amiss, I would say you are genuinely exquisitely beautiful. Just one glimpse of your face even from remote is enough to arrest anyone's attention. People around you must surely be feeling enthralled by your beauty and so must be ending up asking for your picture ? I think, anyone can hardly hold from asking it. God has really endowed you with bounty of beauty. Good Luck !  

  2. They can manipulate your photo and use it on the web in the pono sites. Becareful. They use the head and attach it to a nude body etc.

  3. hmm trembling hands and you wonder?

  4. Well do you find it so difficult in allowing them take your pic, I don't think so because you already pasted your picture in your ID and I think that's why guys keep asking a clearer picture.

  5. so they can um choke the chicken to you becasue they believe your way to beutiful for you to ever say yes

  6. That's...that's so wrong.

  7. some guys lie and show the pic off and say "I've dated her" (friend did this once.. what he didn't know was I actually knew the girl he lied about LOL

    some other reasons are listed by other users ..some reasons nasty, some weird.. oh and by the way ... can I have a pic? just kidding!!! =P

  8. Up yourself much.

  9. bunches in not a word there for i will not answer your Question

  10. well, some guys are weird.

  11.   they think your hot but are just too scared to ask you out or think any one who looks like you must have a big BF at home.  

  12. guys are;...

  13. probably lot's of reasons.

    some most likely inappopriate, if you know what i mean. ha.

    but others like, telling their friends that you're his girlfriend, or something like that...

  14. Pic please.  

  15. atleast theyre polite and atleast ask. every s**y lady I see, i pull my phone out & take a picture of her without her permission.

  16. your pretty =] well thats my

  17. perverted reasons.. don't do it

  18. don't no I wad saver you,you look like a luaus juice peach.  

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