
Why do men deal with pain, better than women?

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Only last week passing, my Mistress gave birth to a child, whom I have named 'Mypopsadildo' Anyway, I was present at the birth and couldn't help but notice, the gritting of the teeth, grim perspiring, threats of violence, and a resistance level of pain, equal to a child suffering with toothache. Why is it, men have a higher tolerance level in all aspects, when it comes to endurance?




  1. Oh You're good.

    You really like the abuse, don't you?

    Boy or girl?

  2. actual women have a higher pain fresh hold but i suppose we (men)hide pain better apart from man flu iam told

  3. Some might tell you to try popping a watermelon out of your backside without wincing.

  4. we are all individual therefore we have different pain tolerance

  5. yeah right men can not handle pain there like babies when there in pain!!!! women can handle pain a lot better then a man!!!

  6. When you can push a melon through your pi$$ hole then you can ask that question lol

  7. Shame you poor poor man and when did your daddy tell you that fairy tale.

  8. I do not think gender comes in to pain tolerance.

  9. Sir,

    You inspire me.  Why is it that these woman can't just grin and take it.  We continue to put up with the lack of caring about us.  When will our women learn to just take it?

  10. I was at that hospital, and wait, didn't I see you crying in the corner because your mistress squeezed your hand too hard during delivery?

  11. fine sir, methinks it has to do with the fine specimen that men have the luxury of carrying between their legs.

  12. men do not show their feeling as women do

  13. Just psychological methinks. I would guess that actually they can deal with similar amounts, but males tend to try and be masculine and be able to deal with pain. For women, this is not the case, so will respond more strongly, as there's no reason to try and endure it, as they are not expected to appear tough and manly.

    This is just a general observation, and there are many exceptions.

  14. Because, my dear friend, you don't have to give birth.  It's quite messy and leaves a problem you'll have to deal with for the next 18 years.  Women, while lacking in endurance as you so aptly discovered, aren't I'm sorry to say equally lacking in foresight or intelligence.  Hence the gritting of teeth.

    Your humble friend,

    Lady Este

  15. Sir, I beg your pardon! A man can stump his toe and have to put to bed for a few days....And sir, I would just love to see one of you guys give birth, oh my! I would pay to see that one....I do wish it could happen and you could live to tell about it, you men wouldn't be so quick about getting someone pregnant....that is the most horrible pain, a woman will ever face...So, the answer to your question is-----THEY DON"T!!!

  16. ever heard the expression "its like trying to squeeze a watermelon through a hole the size of an orange?"

    Think about it.. then try to imagine squeezing a plum through your p***s.

  17. are you kidding me ?  I would love to see a man give birth.  Most men I know become pathetic little whiny brats when they get even the slightest little sniffle ....while most women I know are still working and taking care of children and a household even on their death bed.

    You may want to reconsider your question

  18. Ok, the question is unfair, and most of the females answering are being unfair too. I am male and have never complained about a cold nor do any of the men I know. I know many good female drivers. Whats the point of all this sexism, gender has very little to do with pain tolerence except for social pressures. I.e. men are raised to hide pain and emotions.

  19. You've obviously never suffered from toothache - then it could be my low tolerance to pain that makes the memory so bad *sobs*

  20. Dear Sir.....Of course SOME but not certainly all men have a high endurance for pain....but a man can never fully appreciate the pain of giving birth.....Perhaps a man can get somewhat of an idea of the pain involved in giving pulling their lower lip over their head.....When this can be fully accomplished...then women can say that men indeed have a higher tolerance for pain...Until then....Women will continually hold the record for being able to handle pain....

  21. The gritting of teeth and threats of violence -  where probably aimed at you , because she still cant believe she allowed you to come that close to her.

    Do me a favour - put a melon up your bum, then try to pass it -  And see if it tickles.


  22. you may have a high pain tolerance because since how you have a low IQ you need all the help you can get to cope with the pain every time you run into a wall.

  23. I could not agree more. So I won't. Only to say the whole issue can be typified by women's reluctance to engage in fudge packing whilst men are awfully keen on it. The most common phrase at my local bar is " would you like me to push that stool in for you". Do you know if it were up to women I don't think there would be any homosexuals.

    On a technical note men don't cope with pain better they feel it less as they have far fewer pain receptors. Just another of Gods little jokes.

  24. shut up you pathetic loser! So, I guess you know what it feels like to push something the size of a water melon out of you...ummm no didn't think so, shut your face!!!!

  25. Have you ever seen a man give birth?.............exactly!you dont know what the pain is like giving birth, not that you'll ever find out but i doubt you would be able to remain so tolerant like you say you are. Your either pompus and arrogant or your question is a wind up!

  26. Child birth is a different sort of pain, Sir. It feels like if someone sticks an umbrella up your behind, opens it, and then pulls it out. No men can endure that kind of pain, Sir.

  27. lol, you will never sell thyis one, leave it

  28. Oh, Blackadder, I fear you've certainly done it now!! Almost every female who has ever given birth will be out to tell you just how wrong you are here! Let me get you started. First of all, much of her pain was due to the fact that she was in this situation because while you experienced the pleasure with her, you did not share in her pain. Maybe you should have come a little closer to her while she was giving birth & she would 've willingly given you a taste of her pain. Second, when was the last time you were in any REAL pain? Is there any opening in your body that you would like to use as a passageway for something the size of your child? How much pain might that bring? ...oh & it should last for several hours! You seem to avoid pain at all costs. Why is that? You seem to be an expert at dealing out pain to your servants, your son, and whomever crosses your path. This time I have to say you're wrong!!  (Hard to believe that you could be wrong, isn't it??) Women have far more tolerance to pain than men - after all look at what your wife has endured living with you all these years!

    By the way - quite an appropriate name for any child of yours - but what will his nickname be? He has my sympathies.

  29. Put it this way, if men had to have the first baby and women the second and so on, there would never be a third child in a family.

  30. I disagree, woman have a stronger threshold than men to pain. I'd love to see a man push out something the size of a watermelon, out of between their legs without gritting their teeth,perspiring and making threats of violence. I'm a mother of 3 with my fourth child due in 2 months.

  31. It seems like they try to ignore it, I'm not sure. In no way offense is meant, but I've found that stupid males deal with pain better than smart ones. Maybe they just try to think it's funny and don't realize that what happened may have injured there body.

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