
Why do men dominate the extremes -- the highest as well as the lowest ?

by Guest56037  |  earlier

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Males dominate the extremes:

IQ tests consistently show that more men are at the highest as well as at the lowest extremes (i.e. more male geniuses and more male idiots)

The best cooks in the world are men, yet there are more males out there who don't even know how to boil water.

The most ambitious people are men who are now CEO's of fortune 500 companies, while the least ambitious people are the fat guys who live in their mom's basements eating doritos and playing video games all day.

In school, the loud, wacko class clown tends to be a male, while the most serious, uptight classmate is some passive-aggressive quiet male nerd.

Heck, even the earliest important feminists were men like John Stuart Mill, yet the least feminist people are douchebag male misogynists .

Males dominate both the upper and lower extremes, while more women cluster around the average.

Why is this ?

Is it biological or cultural ?

I would love to get honest answers about this.




  1. My THEORY is maybe women on average just have a closer norm. So i wanna say its biological b/c for that part.  On the other hand some societies still oppress women which of course would not let them run a company. That would be cultural.

  2. LOL ! ("douchebag male misogynists" !) LOL, THATS GREAT!


    If there's truth to to your observation, perhaps reasons include

    1)historically girls are taught what feminine is is to not make as exagerated of body movements as a male

       theyve been taught to be mild-mannered

       to put up with things and make excuses for them

       rather than assertively take no sh^t(THAT has been considered male only) how could people limited in such ways from childhood GET as high as other peole who are taught to fight as hard as they can for what they want and take no prisoners?

    As for males inhabiting the lower of the lows, well -just a guess- maybe say if a woman becomes homeless, for example, people are more likely to protectively take her in and help her, than a man who'd be left to handle it himself (and if he's homeless due to genuine reasons, like a mental problem for example,  then they've just left him to live under a bridge muttering to himself-while the woman would be protected from that outcome MORE OFTEN(not always!)

    ....a lot of women who are homeless go couch to couch, and at some point just start selling their a^s. THATS prettty low, eh?

    But you know what even there I just saw such a woman ask for help and get a home within 3 weeks.

    The person who helped her get it?  The  man who lived under the bridge for 1 1/2 years while people laughed at his jokes and let him (at AA meetings, where there's free coffee, and they are supposed to HELP with such things)...but he was a MAN, so they didnt interfere with HIS self control((well thats what people think they're doing! As if its out of respect, for him-that they left him to handle it himself).  ...while the woman was taken in immediately (had a couch for 3 weeks, and got put in an aprtment payed by the state)

    And I'm glad for her.

    But I happen to know the MAN I mention suffered incredibly, and everyone just treated him like "Oh thats just how he is!" -as if he must chose or like it that way

    ( to live in the woods in an old car)(break into cellars in the winter for some heat)

  3. Testosterone and "Extreme" socialization.

    We're raised to "Go There" if necessary to get what we want, where as women are not(at least not in the same "do it or be a loser" way).

    We just have more pressure on us to succeed.  Some can handle it and thrive, others can't and quit early.

  4. Men have too much testosterone. i makes the act that way.(Aggressive, dominant, cocky, hyper-sexual, violent).

  5. Where does your info come from. I have never heard of anyof those.

  6. "while the least ambitious people are the fat guys who live in their mom's basements eating doritos and playing video games all day."

    Woman who live with their parents are judged by different standards. For men it became compulsory to be independent and financially succesful, while it's optional for woman.

  7. men are risk takers, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't, that is why we succeed and fail with greater success.

    you are posting a question that reeks of misandry yet you make a reference to "douchbag male misogynists" in the same question, is this a joke, or do you genuinely not see the double standard?.

    who cares anyway, just enjoy and be grateful for the privileges and mod cons provided to you by the top end.

    schmeeez has made some excellent points

    twisted sister, then hand back all the benefits why don't you?

  8. I think it's a combination of things - girls are raised to be more moderate for one thing (boys can tear their knees out of their clothes while girls are playing dollies, and are told not to cry while girls get hugs).

    Also, there simply are (still? Yes!) barriers to women who want to excel - the smart high school girls may dumb themselves down a little to fit in, the old boys' network may not take them anyway, the responsibility for the sick auntie / younger sibling / even boyfriend's career ahead of her own will more likely be taken by the sister than the brother, and so on. Not to mention we get pregnant, take a year off and come back distracted and torn between two priorities while our husbands plough on through and save that for the weekend. Women multitask better - so men can perhaps be much more focused and advance quickly in just one area.

    I am not beating up on men here, don't get me wrong. Great fathers the world over give everything for their kids - not just time and money but hearts and souls. But for many families, the man gives it all at the office/plant/field while the woman gives it all by staying in and singing ABC rather than checking the news.

    I know I was a zombie with lack of sleep and a whole lot of distracting other things, mental, emotional and hormonal, going on when I went back to work.

  9. I think it is pretty equal between you has the highest IQ.  Men are generally better at some things than Women and vice -versa, Women are better at some things than Men. Maybe culture does have something to do with that, yes I can definitely see that.

    As far as brain power, it is pretty equal! Just because a person gets a  higher score in Math doesn't mean he is smart, it is the overall thing that counts.  My opinion of course!

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