
Why do men evolutionarily have low voices?

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What is the evolutionary benefit of human males having low voices as a result of testosterone's effects during puberty?




  1. I believe I read some time ago that it was rather that evolution favored women with high voices because the sound carried better when the women called for help if attacked.  Since this also explains why children of both sexes have high voices, I think it's a decent model.  Those least able to physically defend themselves alone survived better in a dangerous world if they had high voices.

  2. It is more of a hormonal-gender difference, than evolutionary. The longer the vocal chords, the higher the voice. Apparently testosterone shrinks the vocal chords. Women's vocal chords have been measured to be as much as nine times longer. It also allows women to speak with more ease than men, which is why men tend to speak less. It requires more effort for men...

  3. Nature is practical.  A whiny, high voice doesn't really suit a hairy, macho, large truck driver.

  4. The tone is due to the size of the vocal cavity.  A very low deep sound generally comes from a larger animal.   It is possibly an attempt to sound bigger and thus more intimidating. It could be just a sexual signal that indicates masculinity.

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