
Why do men feel weird about Periods? Men can answer.?

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You know what I'm talking about. If you are a man, why do you?

If you a girl, why do you think?




  1. becuase theyre not comfortable with the thought of blood coming out of someones private parts

    they hear about it, but when it comes down to it, theyre never comfortable with it because in their minds, whenever blood comes out of something, its always in a bad way or a health problem

  2. I can only assume -- probably because it's something they can't relate to.  And -- it is kind of gross.

  3. I think it's several reasons.

    1. They don't have any personal experience of it, so they probably imagine worst case scenario when they think/hear about it and it freaks them out.

    2. It starts young, i remember being divided into boys and girls for talk about puberty at school when we were maybe 10/11. We were told about periods, they were told what goes on with boys. Looking back, it wouldn't have been any different had their been boys in the classroom as we took it upon ourselves to fire tampons at each other anyway. Which is probably what they'd have done given the chance.

    Most guys are able to be mature enough to look after you if you have cramps, and at a push go and fetch tampons from the shop if you're desperate. But they just don't like talking about it on the whole i guess.

    My best friend is a guy, and strangely i can't imagine having a frank and open discussion about my period. Even though he knows everything about me, knows that i struggle with cramps and whatever. I couldn't ever imagine being in a store with him and putting tampons in the basket. I guess i don't feel comfortable, and wouldn't want to make him feel that way either.  

  4. it doesnt bother me any ive bought tampons for my wife many times

  5. I'm a man, and I don't feel weird about periods... never have.

  6. It's because a guy doesn't want to think about his p***s going somewhere that bleeds.  It's "out of sight out of mind".  When a tampon commercial comes on my bf cringes and complains that it shouldn't be on during dinner.  It's our hope as women that they can grow up and deal with the fact that a v****a is not just a play thing :)

  7. I don't feel weird about a woman on her period. Its part of what make the woman, is it not? In fact, it gets entertaining when intimacy is involved. But when it comes to PMS, I'm outta there!

  8. Err couple of ideas...

    *"Periods" are often a thing kept secret from boys in education (you know when the Tampax lady comes and the boys all get herded out to another room to learn about their own parts?) so I think some of it comes from there... it's a taboo for men and they feel uncomfortable hearing about something they "shouldn't be hearing"

    *Periods are generally gross, and sometimes smelly.

    *Blood oozing out of something isn't generally associated with health. I mean, it's alright for us, we're used to the idea, since it happens every month, but think about how grossed out you might have been when you first LEARNED about periods, or got your first one? Men don't ever get past that stage because they can't experience it.

    *It can mean no s*x (depending on the girl and the period)?

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