
Why do men find it easier to talk to a female Doctor over a male

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Why do men find it easier to talk to a female Doctor over a male




  1. Because I want to have s*x with the female ones...I always hope for a hot one

  2. I think the answer is simple: men were always taken care of by their moms when they were young. Moms were for confiding, and big sisters too - and wives when they're older, tend to take care of them as well (not all the time). Nurses are traditionally female, because women are naturally better at nurturing and healing as well as comforting. Men, even when older, feel more comfortable opening up to a female doctor. But with another male, they feel they have to put on the tough guy act more and act impervious to the fact that they can be weak or ill.

    Females are just the natural choice when it comes to comfort or health issues!  

  3. Females because we are men with a p**n fantasy of s**y female doctors.

  4. It makes no difference if they are male or female.  They are doctors and I can talk to either with no problem.

  5. I think that men think they have to be tough especially in front of other men.

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