
Why do men get treated like they're superhuman & glorified, while women are frowned upon for enjoying s*x?

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Why do men get treated like they're superhuman & glorified, while women are frowned upon for enjoying s*x?




  1. Where did you get those ideas?  Completely foreign to me.

  2. I know what you're talking about, some cultures and religion burden women and later, even tough they discover that it's all natural, they still feel uncomfortable or reserved about it.

  3. I have never been frowned upon for enjoying s*x, at least not that I know of. lol   I don't "glorify" men who enjoy s*x either.  s*x should be enjoyable whether you are a man or a's as simple as that.

  4. Where the h**l do you live?

  5. because many people are ignorant about s*x. there is nothing wrong about either gender enjoying s*x.

  6. I have experienced what you said, because my parents come from a sexually conservative culture, BUT

    When I was in middleschool and highschool, I got a hard time and was made fun of  from white preppy boys/jock types for being sexually active, but I also think me being East Indian and just different (not a prep like the other kids)in general had to do with it as well. I grew up in highly conservative, religious, preppy and republican-type suburbs. A sexually comfortable East Indian girl was too baffling for them, and didn't fit their idea of how Indian girls should act. Kids will make fun of anything that's different.

    I'm not sure how white men in the adult world think about female sexuality, b/c my childhood experiences turned me off from dating them or getting to know them in that way. Sorry.

    So, I get what you're saying even though others might not be able to relate. :)

  7. actually, men like it when women respond to them, anyone who frowns on a woman who enjoys s*x is unhappy with themselves.

  8. I've never had that problem or heard of anyone else having that one either.

  9. that depends on the culture.

    In the United States for example, it is not expected that the woman will enjoy it, while in Latin America and throughout the mediterranean part of the machismo culture is the ability to sexually fulfill a woman.  In Latin America if you can't make a woman o****m you're nothing.

    I figure since gringos I hear are such horrible lovers and unable to satisfy any woman, they just made it culturally official by saying a woman isn't supposed to enjoy it.

    In east asia, I know, the men there have a reputation for being inconsiderate lovers because of a cultural attitude that women exist as literal slaves to men.  Even in Japan, where many women are educated at Tokyo University, a school with a brutal academic curriculum that will make even the folks at M.I.T. cringe, they are generally treated as little more than house servants in training if they are not married, house servants once they get married.

    Oh, I know in this culture men are glorified for enjoying it, and women frowned upon, not so sure in other cultures though.

    Oh and, incidentally; the prophet of Islam Mohamad stated in a hadith, paraphrasing

    "a man unable to give his wife contentment is not a man"

    Believe it or not, in Islam, sexual disatisfaction on the part of the woman is grounds for her to ask for divorce.  So there is even more pressure on Arabs than Latinos.

    Believe it or not, how good a lover a given Arab man is is dependent largely on how good a Muslim he is, which is why in the Islamic world dudes who know the Koran by memory always get all the chicks....

    as they say, sel a vi.

  10. Nobody has ever frowned on me for enjoying s*x.  Where do you get this idea from?  And nor do I know any men who are treated at superhuman and glorified for enjoying s*x.  You must know some very odd people.

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