
Why do men like women who they can controll?

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I mean even in this magazine i was reading today said that men like submissive women I was shocked! it was something like 78% of men would preffer submissive women then those who were non submissive and spoke there minds... its so pathetic..

thinking back to my former last couple of boyfriends.. all seemd to expect me to be really submissive and they tryed to controll me.. but im not like that at ALL!




  1. Simple because they were taught to be like that. If a man had a mother that was submissive he is gonna want a wife that is submissive. His father and mother both taught him that and taught their daughters that. Look at all the shows and movies and life. There are lot of people that don't see women as equal they see them as property. It goes back to the beginning of time, men having more than one wife. People trading women for cattle and money. But times have changed and women are doing Mens jobs and raising families by themselves so it can't be like that anymore.

  2. "Submissive" and "women they can control" aren't quite the same things.

  3. because they are inferior and they know it

  4. I don't where is the challenge in that. It's more fun to make them submissive.

    PS every women is like that stop being so bloody arrogant you're really showing your age. Don't be a doormat but don't try to be what you by nature are definitely not.

  5. ladies

    if it hurts but feels good

    please do it again


  6. i don't think it's about control i think it's about having peace of mind,nobody wants a nag for a wife.

  7. why does the ocean drown people? Is it right or wrong... no, it just does. Empirical fact: men prefer being the dominant party

  8. i have always been submissive to Women. It just seems natural.

  9. People like control of their environment.  You are no different.  I'm sure you've asked your boyfriends to do things before...right?  I bet you wanted them to do those things.  If you can get someone to do something for you, that's control.  So you also like men you can control.  I bet if you worded the question another way you could get at least 78% of women wanting a guy that would do what she wanted.

  10. I don't see speaking your mind as being dominant or "non-submissive.". You're just sharing your view and putting conversation on the table.   My two exes are dominant, but they don't mind me speaking my mind b/c they always have something clever to say back. ;)  

    "Trying to control" someone won't cut it either. A dominant-submissive relationship just comes naturally, and both genders have some level of it in some ways.

    Even if you think you are submissive, you are dominant in the sense that you control what you want and what your limits are.

    I don't like overly romantic men, because I think it makes them look submissive when I have more fun playing submissive. BUT, I'm dominant in the fact that I tell my boyfriends not to be mushy and romantic, even if that means I enjoy putting them on a pedestal instead. :)

  11. Dont know dont care, it beggers belief dont it?

    Really if they were not worth it, you would ingore them wouldnt you or are they a psycho path?

  12. The figure 78% is probably something of an exaggeration. It's a social stereotype that men have to be the dominate ones (i.e. being "whipped" is a bad thing - there's no real female alternative to that) and a lot of guys buy into it. But not all, so don't worry about trying to change. If you don't have a submissive personality, it wont make you happy to be submissive.

  13. A man who would like a woman like that is weak in himself.  A strong man likes a woman he can be a partner with; not control.

  14. Do you believe everything you see in that trashy magazine of yours?

    You should take statistics and magazines with a large pinch of salt. Don't forget that they all have axes to grind.

    "Control" and "submission" were never issues with my wife and I and that's the way it should be with all true partners.

    "Control" and "submission" and such things are only issues for ideologues.

  15. Because of the divorce laws. IF you marry you want to be on the safe side. Unless you have a lot of money and pay all the bills. Then its you who needs to worry about controlling hubby :p

  16. I think there is a big difference between being submissive and being a doormat.  if a man really prefers a woman who never speaks her mind and has no opinions of her own then what he wants is a doormat.  Being submissive doesn't mean never having your feelings considered or your opinion asked.  A really dominant man is concerned for his partner's happiness, he doesn't just steamroller over her like she doesn't matter.  Your boyfriends were not dominant, just selfish.  A man who wants a woman to be a doormat and have no opinions of her own isn't dominant, he's just lazy.

  17. Not all men like women like that. It dose however have something to do with how he was raised as a child. And secondly we teach people how to treat us. If a woman is being regarded to as property, it's because she has allowed her man to do that. For instance my mom was afraid of my step dad and he knew it. But when it came to me, I told him to his face that no one, not even him scared me. I even told him that if he ever pissed me off I would kill him. Believe it or not, after that he slept with his door locked to his bedroom.

  18. Some people see a correlation between their women and ttoys like radio controlled cars. It confuses them.

  19. pretty much its biology, everyone has desire for control. dont deny it most women like being able to control guys.

  20. Women aren't property.  We have minds, and therefore should be treated as individuals who can go out into the world, go to college, get a career, and say no to s*x if we're not in the mood.

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