
Why do men look at others wives, even if their own wife is more beautiful than the others?

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Why do men look at others wives, even if their own wife is more beautiful than the others?




  1. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, I guess.

  2. Curiosity I suppose.

    BUT, did you see that new Klondike Bar commercial? A pretty girl walks by as a man and woman [husband & wife] are talking. The narrator goes "____  [I forgot his name ] kept looking at his wife, give him a Klondike Bar"

    Wow that commercial almost made me die it was so funny.

  3. For the same reason we don't eat the same meal all our lives.

  4. Nothing wrong with looking,as long as they don't

  5. Cos its something men do,even all women do it,its natural,its like us women see a pair of gorgeous shoes,and we look,men See a beautiful women they look:) lol

  6. Thats common in nature. not only men but also women do the same thing. for example You have only one that you see daily, so obously you will see the new one that is avilable to you even yours is the best!!

  7. well i don't think that looking at other people will hurt any1... as long as there's no touching...

  8. Just curious.

  9. I have a friend from Mexico and she says there they have a saying about men:  "If they have the skinny one they want the fat one.  If they have the tall one they want the short one.  If they have the dark haired one they want the light haired one..."  You get the idea...

  10. Because they're allowed to.  The wife shouldn't be so controlling she controls his eyes, too.  They'll go where they want.  Now, if he went up and smacked the other wife's bum, then there would be a problem.

  11. so they can remember how beautiful thier own wife is by comparison.  

  12.    it is natural for people to look at others. male or female. it's like asking why men have porno mags hidden in their drawer or between the mattress.

       It is a natural thing to do.... everyone does it, even wives..

    to not look would only be depriving yourself of the freedom to see with your own two eyes what ever you want.

  13. boys will be boys  

  14. This has to do with the instinctive desire to expand and conquer that is inside every man as we can see it through the history of humanity.

    Looking at another woman is in our subconscious like looking another expansion opportunity. Men always want more even if they can't handle it all.  

  15. yea men should all have their eyes goughed out when they r married.

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