
Why do men never say the right thing r they really that dense.?

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Why do men never say the right thing r they really that dense.?




  1. Yes, They are...sadly. You must live with this until you meet a guy that "gets it" :)

  2. We are.  We really don't pick up on all the things your girlfriends get real easy.  Of course, it depends on the guy too.

    Give him a little more information.  He'll come around.

  3. Mmm.. I take it the phrase 'a mixed message' doesn't mean anything to you.

    Generally no matter what we do it's the 'wrong thing', experience indicates that women don't do specific information so that they can always claim whatever is actually done is wrong.

    I wonder if it's because they're dense?

    Here come the claims of sexism, or will I be proved wrong?

  4. I would suggest that men are in fact not dense, perhaps they just look at things differently than you do. It seems to me that what really needs to happen in the world is that both men and women need to alter their own expectations with regards to each other. Maybe if you didn't expect so much they wouldn't seem so dense.

    One thing is for sure and that is people are all different and without different people the world would be pretty boring.


  5. You're the one making generalities

  6. i ask myself that question  everyday......

  7. because the men u are with are really dense... men arent all the same..

  8. Yes they dont have a clue..

  9. Yes... sadly.  

  10. Why are women so self rightous, arrogant and judgemental?

  11. they do learn with age

  12. we do,its just you dont understand.

  13. Not all men are dense... Sure, some are...they just don't really understand a thing about girls (tends to be the immature high schoolers or lower college people), then some accidentally say the wrong thing when they're talking to girls because they get flustered which is understandable if it's someone they like or if they don't normally talk to girls a whole lot. But there are some really great guys that hardly ever say the wrong just have to take a while to look for them.

  14. NO they are NOT that "dense" - YOU just have no idea how to understand them and how they express themselves.  They DO NOT, and never will, communicate they same way women do.  What is worse, is that THEY ask the same question about women!

    READ the book "Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars" or any of the other thousands of books written on how to talk to and understand men. There really is a right way and a definite wrong way.  Guaranteed labeling them as "dense" will not help you one bit.  

  15. Ok then here goes LOVE YOU

  16. some yes, others no

    On the other hand many women also choose the wrong men. Why else are there so many break-ups between boy friends and girlfriends and divorce in times, when women and girls can choose their men ?

    I am not saying, it is the fault of women, but their famous intuition does not really seem to have helped....

    Maybe its better to choose kind men instead of bad boys and those who are just funny. Funny men you can also have as friends, not as partner.

  17. I said to my bloke 'Ive been using a new face cream, do my wrinkles look more, less or the same?' He said 'Well i dont know what you want me to say' Duh the truth!! I dont want platitudes when I ask what I think is a straightforward question. If hed wanted to be diplomatic he could have said, ' I dont know, you look the same to me.' Then I would know not to spend a fortune on this cream. Just wait til next time he asks 'have I lost weight' lol Love him just the same though!

  18. Guys find it harder to show affection because they are suppose to masculine, and romance isn't masculine lol.So even if they do have something nice to say they hardly ever say it because they're scared they'll get taken the mick out of.You've got to squeeze the romance out of them lol.

  19. yeah i suppose to or they are probably just trying to be funny but it would be a weird way of showing it lol

  20. maybe you havn't met the right men?

  21. Whatever the guy is gonna say is be the wrong answer cos its not what u wanted to hear !

  22. Pretty much, yes.

  23. They are not dense! Just not as bright as women.

  24. You bet we are :D

  25. I think its women!!! They have "those days" where they don't really know what they want.

    You ask them if they want to talk.... they snap at you "do I look like I want to talk".

    You ask them if they want to be left alone.... they snap at you "you never support me".

    The moral of the story is we can't win fellas! Whatever we say they snap because they don't know what they want. At least when I say leave me alone - I mean it!!!

  26. Well, somtimes, it doesn't matter what they say, it is still wrong. Men are dense and women are fickle. Put the two together and you get the reason why most relationships fail...:op

  27. No love, you are dense.

    You are plainly hanging out with the wrong guys, chavs that are more concerned about their willy size and stealing cars than you.

    Get a decent fella or hang with a decent crowd instead of sitting on park benches.

  28. only the inmature ones that  dont think before they act..the rest of us are the best thing to ever happen to a woman..

  29. some men say the right thing, some don't cause they think there just being men at least that's what there definition of a man is.

  30. No they are just selfish b*****d's

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