
Why do men pay alimony?

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Prior to feminist sociologist Lenore Weitzman's study describing how women and children become poorer after divorce, more states had 'no fault' divorce laws which finalized payments.

Her study was published in major law review journals and cited in many court and Supreme Court rulings.

The problem is, and it took her many years to admit it, her numbers were wrong. Not sort of wrong, they were WAY OFF!

Why does it matter?

If you're paying child or spousal support in any state, and for sure California, chances are you're paying for Lenore Weitzman's mistake.

Feminism broke it, why aren't they fixing it?




  1. She tried to put right the habitual absconding of fathers (who paid nothing), which took place despite the laws that were in place.

    If it's not working, then by all means it should be reviewed and put right. She only wrote the paper, the laws were passed in congress, not the Boston feminists' society.

    Keep things in their proper perspective.

    edit: Thousands of studies, even those used as a basis for laws, are years later considered flawed. This is not the same as biased. You would have to show that she deliberately conducted a biased study. Best of luck with that.

    And it was there in black and white for everyone to read, so why wasn't it blocked? Did they have to wait for her to point out her own flaws?

    I'll take it that you're rethinking this one.

  2. Because the Court said to!

  3. I have to disagree with you gals on this one. The family and divorce courts are extremely biased against men. No fault means you can be a great guy to her, and she can cheat on you, leave you. And make you pay for it. And you have to practically have her on tape smoking crack and burning the flag to get more custody of the children.

  4. No, Lenore Weitzman broke it (according to you).

    Logic dear boy, logic.

  5. I live in a state with no fault laws, lol.  They just changed the word from "alimony" to "spousal maintenance" and its awarded on a precentage of earnings over the past so many years in most cases (unless the parties agree on a different amount).  This was in answer to those women who worked as waitresses and secretaries to put their husbands through med school and then were promptly divorced for a younger, prettier version.

    Do NOT ask me to feel sorry for men about alimony or child support.  Remember the wedding vows you took.  Alimony (maintenance) is what you pay for your word being worth bunk.  BTW...there are cases were women pay the alimony, maintenance and/or child support too.

  6. Alimony is usually only paid when the woman was a stay at home mother and did not work outside the home.  She could have spent many years out of the workforce for that reason.  It is usually a decision made by the couple.  Therefore if there is a divorce the man who was the sole bread winner pays alimony for a certain period of time or until the woman remarries.  

    Alimony has nothing to do with dead beat dads!  Not paying the child support does.  

  7. It's not in the interest of modern Feminists to fix things they break.

  8. .... the cost of moral responsibility for the broken family which he had reared.

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