
Why do men prefer long hair?

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I'm guessing it has something to do with short hair being more masculine, but I think some shorter hairstyles are just as beautiful. Looking for a guy's p.o.v.




  1. Because they could hold it back while they s***w you from behind obviously.

  2. I actually like it when women have hair around the shoulders, and I've seen a few women with shorter haIr than that that looked VERY beautiful.

    Not to say that I don't like long hair either.

  3. Well, I like to be able to run my fingers through nice long hair.  I guess its hard to explain by we like it so much.  Perhaps it is just one of those things that is genetically coded into us

  4. i mean it looks better i guess

  5. I think they have been conditioned to think that long hair is more feminine, so there are certain features that are considered feminine that men are attracted to.

  6. Some men like long hair, some like short, some like blonds, some like brunettes. Everyone's looking for something different!

    If you want to have long hair, then go ahead and grow out your hair. If you want to cut it, cut it.  Do what you want.

  7. My wife had long, beautiful hair down to her waist since the day I met her.  Five years into our marriage, she wanted to cut it shorter (shoulder length) for easier maintenance as well as just doing something different with her appearance.  I was very much against it, but since it was not my head I had very little say in the matter.  After she cut her hair, I simply did not like it.  The hair stylist did a good job, but it wasn't my wife, at least not what I had been used to.  

    Over time, her appearance wasn't such a shock and I think she looks great with short hair, but it definitely took time.  For me, favoring long hair comes down to familiarity, not just with my wife and with the female gender as a whole, it is what I am used to and partly because of that, it is what I find attractive.  It is also a major facial characteristic that distinguishes between males and females, which alone makes long hair more attractive.

  8. Not every men in the world have long hair. Maybe it is a fashion statement and be able to distinguish them from the rest of them .


  9. Not all men do, there are plenty of men who date women with short hair.  

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