
Why do men "cheat" via text???

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Ok so I went home for a visit, and was gone unexpectedly for a month. I came home and everything was great for the first few days. He left his phone home one day and I was going thru the texts to see what he and his bro were talking about (a week prior to when I came home I got in an arguement w/his bro) and wanted to see whose side he was on. I scrolled down and saw a bunch of mix n match reponses from some girl. So I went into his deleted folder to read the rest of what was said and found nude pics back and forth between the 2 of them....I confronted him when he got home and asked Why? He said it was "meaningless" and he was "bored". WHAT SHOULD I DO!???




  1. I was advised that Husbands cheats,watch pornos,look @ nude magazines etc does not mean they don't love you or  trying to replaced you I guess that's part of being a man.Talk to him about this

  2. you could stop snooping for one thing...

  3. Oh you know what to do!

    He basically cheated but dont have the guts to tell you or he hopes you forget it

    Women do the same thing

    I had a gf that cheated on me it took time for me to piece the puzzle together and boom I caught her after I set her up lol!

  4. The via text thing helps keep us from getting pregnant.  

  5. What???? You don't think women also cheat and text?  There are plenty of women on here who have admitted they are cheating and text their lovers....

  6. For the same reason women do it. It's the forbidden fruit and that makes it exciting without ever having to really do anything. But yours sounds like it wasn't meaningless. Dump the loser.  

  7. Get use to it because it's what men do i have been married 3 times and all 3 cheated and everyone of my boyfriends. Sorry but you will learn just like i had to. If your lucky you can find a guy who is brought up right like my son i taught him to respect women and never do to them what you wouldn't want done to you. My husband hates what I've done to him i now know why because he cheated on me and he thinks that's a normal thing for a guy to do. When my son has a girl friend he is faithful to the end and would never think about cheating he is 27 want his cell number? There are very few guys who won't cheat like 5% who doesn't.

  8. not cool wen u go into a guys ****

  9. Why do men (people) cheat via text? In a word, convenience.

    They can spit out a quick text message anywhere anytime of day, and the other person doesn't have to answer straight away. And they can also receive and answer them at their convenience. Most men I know have their phones glued to them, so its always available, whenever they have a spare minute or two.  Its a technological tool in the cheater's arsenal, along with e-mails and the Internet.

    As to why he should choose to cheat this way, that is a question you should work out with him sooner, rather than later.  

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