
Why do men say that they do not like really skinny women but then drool over Keira Knightly etc??

by Guest64822  |  earlier

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My hubby doesn't like her, he thinks she's a clothes horse but plenty of men I know are like that . WHY? And before I get abuse I'm a healthy size 10-12 * Uk sizes probably 6-8 in US sizes!!




  1. because these days it isn't socially acceptable for men to say they find thin women attractive.

  2. Skinny chicks are a turn off for me since most of them look like there sick. I like me some junk in da trunk.

  3. It's really very simple.

    1) Men aren't all that fussy.

    2) Men will say pretty much anything to get laid.

    3) The mass media make money out of skinny, scantily clad models.

    The sum total is this:

    The mass media parades skinny naked women around all over the place.  We will go for any tart parading around naked or close to naked.  We will tell any woman that she is the only type we would ever consider shagging - so long as she's either the only one in earshot, the only one in the room we have a chance with anyway, or is already our wife/girlfriend - but really we'd shag the exact opposite if it was the better/only option.

    At a push, we'd generally rather have a bit too chubby with big boobies over a bit too skinny with small boobies.  That's usually what we mean when we diss skinny women.

    Not exactly a complex argument, but then we're not complex people.

    On a personal level, I'm a powerfully built guy with a history of A&E visits.  I would genuinely worry about having to go to hospital with a skinny girl I'd accidentally broken...

  4. No bloke I know does. She's rank, too many teeth, too skinny and no chesticles.

  5. I have knowdesed over the years males have this say one thing and do some thing else way of thinking.Some of the skinny is unhealthy.But thats what Hollywood wants I guess.

  6. Because they say that to make you feel better. I am skinny and guys say to me they like skinny girls... to make me happy.... get it?

  7. Because when men say they don't like skinny girls they're more often than not just saying they prefer girls to have a bit of meat on them, but in reality they're not that fussy. If the girl's good looking they'll fancy her regardless of size!

  8. she was d@mn hot in domino but shes actually not that attractive all dolled up i dunno just my opinion

  9. She's stunningly beautiful, but would be better if she had more weight

  10. First not all men think in that way. However, liking is very subjective, it varies from person to person. whether woman is skinny or buxom is not the matter at all ,the most important thing is whether she is reliable, loyal, committed, ect.,to keep her men not to turn his eyes away from his spouse. if such woman exists, then she would be loved by men despite her skinnyness.

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