
Why do men say to women "You are beautiful" when the woman is dog ugly?

by Guest67027  |  earlier

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Or if she's not beautiful, but she's alright, cute, or okay. There's a difference between beautiful and alright looking. What is the reasoning behind false complimenting?




  1. dogs are cute, especially dachsunds, and corgis, and german shepards.

  2. that´s what I also asked for ?

  3. Because she is also beautiful inside =3

    (For once I agree with Mike T, oh my god I never saw that happening)

  4. Beer Goggles!

  5. The reaction we get from calling them beautiful is much better than the reaction we get for calling them a horse face.  Its not always to get in a chicks pants sometimes its just to be nice.

  6. Yep trying to get in her pants.

    I went out with a girl who was only okay, nothing amazing looking but she was nice enough and I liked her. I complimented her on numerous other things she had going for her but she didn't put out until I said I liked her looks.

  7. Ask your mother.

    Bet she told you that you were a beautiful baby.

    Guess she couldn't see inside, right?

    Cheers :-)

  8. they may not be talking about the kind of beauty that is sold in tabloid magazines and painted on ones face. The most beautiful people are not necessarily the most aesthetically pleasing, there are kinds of beauty that are not skin deep.

    basically in saying that Mike is telling the 'truth' means you haven't discovered a level of humanity beyond your animalistic instincts yet- right now it's about shiny things but as you age and your looks start to fade, and you socialise  as do the looks of your lover and friends and you become weathered by human interaction- guaranteed, if not before, you will open your eyes to the kind of beauty i'm talking about, you'll appreciate it and you'll realise that shakespeare wasn't just sweet-talking us.

  9. Perceptions differ, as do opinions; your ideology on the outward appearance will of course be different than another’s. Who’s to say what is and what is not beautiful, when there are so many different diverse personalities and expectations in the world?

  10. so only beautiful women deserve the title "beautiful"? good work, next time a girl commits suicide, try wondering WHY. well thousands of people die everyday, you can make a huge study.

    stupid people are ruining this world. smart people make it a wonderful place to live.

  11. All the guys I know say "You're beautiful" to girls who deserve it.

    Maybe you're just jealous? I'm getting that vibe, but I could be wrong.

    If my guy friends find someone unattractive, they have no interest in getting in their pants so why would they feel the need to compliment them...

  12. many men say what women want to hear, the ugly woman is beautiful, the fat lady is more to love, but women that are passive and needy due to being unattractive feel like they need attention and someone by their side. women must know they are special even if there is noone there right now!

  13. Beauty ma dear Jillian is in the eye of the beholder

  14. Perhaps they are seeing more than just a face.

  15. trying to get laid.

  16. He's either stirring at her b*****s or her v****a.

  17. because we can

  18. Some people think a person as a whole is beautiful. Ya know looking on the INSIDE. farfetched..i know..

  19. To get into their pants, it's that simple.

  20. It would be pretty shallow to think only someone who is attractive can be a beautiful person. Either that, or he is trying to make her feel good. Or he just wants s*x - yes, EVEN with an ugly person.

  21. For the same reason why women give men false compliments-to make others feel good.  I guess it's human nature and both sexes do it, albeit in different ways.

  22. If he just met her?- Just to get in her pants.

    If they've been together for a while, sometimes people's looks grow on you and they become a familiar face you are fond of and to him it is beautiful. Also, when someone is a nicer person they look more attractive than if they were a mean beeyotch.

  23. Beauty is in the EYE OF THE BEHOLDER. Duh...

    Also, some people don't see so good. May need glasses... you never know.

    But the #1 Reason men lie to women is to GET INTO THEIR PANTS!!!

    I honestly thought this was common knowledge by now....

  24. Easy - they want s*x.  They will tell a girl just about anything to dip their wick.

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