
Why do men think of their fretted roofs and of their lofty pillars in their cathedrals, and think these?

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ensure the divine indwelling?

He is no more inside that building than outside.

God is to be found on the loftiest mountian, as well as in the valley, and where the preacher stands upon a log of wood upon the village- green, the place is just as consecrated as though a thousand years it had nothing but the song of praise and the voice of prayer. There are no holy places now; these are done with.

they are the beggarly elements of the law, but in the living church, built up of men and women who have been born unto God by His Spirit, there Jehovah peculiarly dwells--in Heaven and in the little Heaven below, in the midst of His elect people, whom He has ordained according to His purpose.




  1. The architectural features are inspiring, but god is a fiction and dwells nowhere.

  2. Well, yeah. But people aren't necessarily going to walk into an ugly building if they are curious about it either.

  3. Correct, it does not have to be a fancy building or structure to have God within.

    20Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation (fancy building)

    20For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”

  4. You do realize that when you are using others' words, you are required to cite the source, right?

  5. I guess if you want to gather and pray with other people it's better to have a roof on your head than being in a open field. Especially if you live in Norway or such.

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