
Why do men think that because you married them,?

by  |  earlier

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divorced them, and are happy with your own life now..they still own you and can come over whenever they want, expect s*x and dinner, expect you to listen to their tirade of their awful day? Why would I care?




  1. Probably because when the ex husband comes over, the ex wife cooks him dinner, gives him some s*x, and listens to his rant.  

  2. because you probably didn't set any boundaries when you broke it off. tell him that he's not your man and that he needs to move on with his life.

  3. Your letting him take up where he left off and he is quite comfortable.  Tell him to get his own life and leave yours alone.  Let him know your feeling harassed and if he continues you will get a restraining order.

  4. They wouldn't think it if women wouldn't do it!!  

  5. They will always think that you "Owe them" for marrying you. Just tell him that he was never around you this much while you were married and now that you are divorced he needs to go find someone else to be his slave and listen to his whining.

  6. Because you are opening that door for them.  

  7. I have no idea why you would care. I wouldn't care either. Why is he coming over? If it's just to pick up the kids (if you have any together) you don't have to let him stay longer than is necessary to pick up the kids and leave. Actually, you don't have to let him come in at all. It's your life now. Tell him to go jump off a cliff.

  8. tell him to s***w off that he is not allowed at your house. that is not right at all.

  9. Because they are self-fish and if there is SOMEONE listening to them, it makes it all easy.

  10. Sounds like you have quite a few men that you've married and divorced.  Your a familiar to them.  I hope they at least pay for dinner.

  11. Good question? Now ask him. Why are you even friends with him? It is evident that you do no even like the guy. Push him away...he will go.  

  12. Because some dudes are just plain stupid.

  13. Simple, don't open your door, don't listen. He does these things because you allow it.

  14. They don't understand the concept of a divorce.  They think they still own you.  The reality of it actually being over and you being off limits to them has not sunk into their puny little brains yet.  

  15. because men are filthy pigs and society excuses it. get revenge on him.

  16. why do you keep asking these questions????????????///

    when you know the answer, ..i'm beginning to think you're just making this c**p up.

  17. Now that's not fair to say why do men.  In your life it's your man but women do it too.

    It's just a weird, normal, kind of thing that a lot of people feel.

    Once you are theirs you always are.

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