
Why do men think that they're "pimps" when they go around sleepin' with every women with a heartbeat?

by  |  earlier

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It seems like most men call their friends pimps when they sleep around and think that's cool and treat women wrong afterwards (even though the women shouldn't be opening their legs like doors anyway). Why? They're not any better than the ones on the streets just because they're men or boys.




  1. b/c a lot of guys don't have standards for themselves. and when a guys sleeps with a lot of woman it is considered a good thing(not necessarily meaning that is good either). and when females sleep around with the whole school shes a ho. its just a problem w/ our society.

  2. Because to them it's part of being a "pimp".

  3. it's because men are inferior to women. we evolved they didn't  

  4. Well first thing i should point out that not all men are like that. Yes there are only a very few that aren't but yes there are some out there. As far as the ones that think they are pimps for sleeping with a million girls, they are PIGS! They think they are some kinda of special because girls want to sleep with them. Its helps their ego. They think that the more girls they get in bed the hotter and better in bed they are. The reason that they treat woman like dirt afterwards is because they dont want to commit. They think that just cause they sleep with us we will be all clingy, which is stupid but some guys are just simple minded

  5. Well to be a pimp i think you actually have to have bitchas that you w***e out for money, what your describing sounds like players.

    Anyway having the ability to get with alot of women is a badge of pride for some men. Obviously there are guys that do this and there are also those who do not. It sounds like your hanging around with the wrong crowd. Don't give up all your friends but try to branch out a little and make friends out of your comfort zone, they may be guys or girls that eventually introduce you to diffrent types of guys.

    Either way hopefully you'll find some nicer guys.

    BTW there are girls out there who like "players" the more of them there are the more players there are going to be. So if you dont like those types of guys, dont give them the satisfaction of a conversation with you!

  6. it makes them feel better about what theyre doing. they know its damaging to their lives, the women theyre with, and their future families, but its a way to justify what theyre doing by giving it a name that people associate with "cool"

  7. even though there is no character in a man that will sleep around with any girl and not think twice about it, its unfortunate that they associate with other men of equal or less character who wont step up and tell them how wrong it is. there are men out there who know deep down its wrong, but dont have the balls to say anything so the men that do it have that encouragement. they can play women but they dont want to get played. they have that ' *f* that s**t attitude' if they get used for s*x. its all a selfish pride issue. but what bugs me even more is when as a woman, you DONT sleep around n they still like to go around and call ya a s**t. that pisses me off

  8. Because the women are actually LETTING that happen easier, so the men feel good about it.

  9. What is a female that does that then, a Pimpess?  

    I mean I know some women who just cannot keep 'em shut.  

  10. because their stupid  

  11. Boys should be callled the Whores not pimpss.

  12. They're not pimps, they're man-whores

    And if they sleep with a woman *without* a heartbeat, that makes them something else entirely :))

  13. they call each other pimps so they dont get called a man w***e

    which is what they really are

    haha :]

  14. I'm a guy, and I agree!

    Guys who go around F**king every girl is just as bad if a girl does it.

  15. I dunno but I dont call myself a pimp for that its s*x and not an organization to me

    A pimp is a man who has women as s*x slaves or prostitutes and I don't.

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