
Why do men think they have to make good money and/or spend money on a girl to get her to like him ?

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Why do men think they have to make good money or spend money on a girl to get her to like him ? Money doesnt turn women on sexually, it turns there greedy side on. If u cant turn a women on/or at least have them genuinely interested in u by talking to her and thats it, she is not into u....PERIOD, move on keep ya money in ya pocket. If u have a good personality and treat her with respect and dont be a doormat they will find true luv faster and with a discount. Why dont men understand this ?




  1. All that I have to offer a woman is my bare self running in the moonlight on a grassy hill near my home.

  2. The men who do this have nothing else to offer society especially a lover.  They lack personality or a true feeling of self worth.

  3. Men that believe this will only attract the women that are interested in money. Simple! Normal women wont be interested in a guy that thinks he's gods gift because he flashes his cash around, if anything I'd think he was a loser. He obviously is very lacking if he has to hide behind a wallet and thinks he can buy love.

  4. Money turns me on...JK :P

  5. Well, I think men associate money with success and therefore if they are in a successful relationship, they feel the need to spend money on their partners.  I, personally, prefer a homemade picnic to some fancy restaraunt meal.  It means more to me that he took his time to make dinner rather than taking me to some stuck up restaraunt just to show me how much money he has.  If I wanted to date a rich guy, I'd go to some place where I could find that.  I'd much rather have love than money.

  6. ^^^ 4 K a month? lol...


    It's not the mans fault in this case, it's tradition. Tradition states that a man needs to court a woman by spending money on her and taking her out, and most men and women subscribe to this. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it is if the man just throws money at a lazy worthless woman for the intent of taking a trophy wife. In this case and for both sexes, it's a matter of taking what's easy versus taking what's right.

    The easy route is for a rich man to spoil a woman. The man obviously has the money to do this, and he has a trophy wife to show off to society and to please him. The woman doesn't have to work and can be lazy and indulge in all the riches of the world...

    The harder (and I believe more morally acceptable) route is for the "spending money" part to be used only in moderation and only as a means of respect. It takes a lot more work to get someone generally to be interested in you, but the end result is better for poth parties. It's also a good sign to show a woman that you are interested in her, tradition does have its purposes, but only in moderation.

  7. I'm not like that, and even though I have a great job making some times 4K a month, I still don't spoil my baby. We've been an item for quite a while now & I think the only thing I've ever gotten her is a bouquet of roses and some other kind of flowers, a couple of books she's wanted and that's it really.

    Not to mention the engagement ring I'm secretly making payments on *mwuhahaha* but yeah. Not all men are like that.

    But for the ones that are, yeah they lack what really matters. And that's pretty much what the first lady said. Amen! Sister. :P


    Whatcha laughin' at Jack? Is it not as much as you make or do you not believe me? Either way I don't care. I'm 20 years old and work for Budweiser. I make a living & take care of the ones I love. Is that what's important?

  8. Dude it's not that any man wants to shell out coin on a woman.  We do it because they are holding the coochie hostage on us and you try going out and when the check comes tell her hey I got half of this.  She may not be a gold digger but she is going to go tell all her friends how cheap you are and shut you down right there.

  9. To put it bluntly, it works in a lot of cases, especially in a conservative traditional area where I live, where men are still expected to be the main monemaker.  Although, I do think many men overestimate money's impact on a woman.  Personality is still more important to most women.

  10. Because these men have nothing else to offer.

  11. There's no need to think that way; we girls come in many different categories; with some if you don't take them to a red carpeted event your the scum of the Earth; with others just being with you is tops.  The best woman is the one who appreciates you for you; not what you have in your bank vault.

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