
Why do men with money,?

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buy sports cars that are automatic? Do they really think that's driving?




  1. Why do you care? Are you really insecure enough to be derisive about people who drive cars with automatic transmissions?

  2. There are true sports cars with automatic transmissions????

    Only pretend sports cars have fully automatic transmissions.

    Real sports cars are either fully manual or have some sort of Tiptronic clutchless manual, usually with paddle shifts on the steering wheel (like a Formula 1 car).

  3. Think of it this way- whether a man has money or not, if he doesn't have to shift gears constantly he can hold your hand. My husband does and I wouldn't have it any other way.

  4. it is a personal preferance of auto over manni. and hey if you can afford it, why not flaunt it

  5. Buying a sport car with an automatic gives them time to talk on the phone and count their money.

  6. cus they got so much money they don't feel like switing gears, they let the car do it for itself. (jus like a rich man with an assistant)

  7. because they can and thats what they want

  8. In most high end luxury and sports cars, the car can shift gears in thousandths of a second, much faster than a human can.

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