
Why do men´s noses grow longer?

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as they age, and the rest of them shrinks?




  1. As Sweetred said. The ears and nose continue to grow throughout a persons life.

    This might explain why so many politicians seem to resemble Dumbo the Elephant. And they are always excellent fodder for cartoonists...

  2. I have something for you:

    Our eyes have the same size since we were born, but our nose and ears never stop growing as we gracefully age; and this applies to women also not just men.

    Rest of them shrinks?(Are you talking about his/their private part?) If it does shrink then they have what we call Genital retraction syndrome; this also happens to women(hello breast~).  One cause of p***s shrinking is drug use; yes guys you heard me using drugs will make your p***s shrink.

    In cases where the fear of the p***s being retracted is secondary to other conditions, psychological diagnosis and treatments are under development. It is becoming increasingly clear that these forms of mass hysteria are more common than previously thought.

    That's all I can share with you, Take Care~

  3. So there is something sharp and pointy between him and his not so lekker looking wife anymore...

    A man has to protect himself....

  4. noses and ears never stop growing...

  5. Thats why they invented Rhinoplasty

  6. I like Maria's explanation: Its all in the "jeans."

  7. It's not just men.  Our noses and ears are two body parts that never stop growing; it's just biology.  Sad, huh?

  8. While not all men nose grows longer it depends on the jeans in there family. Some boys are unlucky and end up with a nose larger than there face ; while other there nose hasn't grown since the 5th grade. Anyways don't let your image put you down cause I think everyone is beautiful in there own way even if the nose is big or small that you and you should accept yourself cause if you don't no one will.

  9. From all the lies... look at panocio!!

    ;-) hehe No, being honest I have no idea...

  10. Ever heard the joke about the horny woman saying ''lieg Pinocchio ,lieg !'' ?

  11. Their ears also grow larger and hairs will later grow out of their noses and ears. My Dad says that it is a sign of wisdom. My Mom says the bigger a mans nose the richer he will be, just look at the Jews, most of them are rich.

  12. Because all men Lie

  13. its a part of they're nature!!!!!!!

  14. gravity!  Our noses are in accordance with our size, usually.  

    Men are bigger than us therefore their noses are bigger.

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