
Why do mexicans living in the US,refuse to adopt the english language?

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while spanish, the language they now speak in their own country, is not their native tongue either




  1. Well these people are probably so old that they do not want to. The people are so use to speaking spanish! It is learning a new language. That is always difficult.

  2. I don't really accept either of your premises, but I will try to answer.

    I live in Southern California in a heavily Hispanic area.  Although most of my neighbors seem to be from Mexico, I cannot assume that they all are.  There are thousands of immigrants here from El Salvador and other Central and South American countries.

    Spanish is the common language of many of these countries.  When you say that Spanish is not the native tongue of Mexicans living in the US, I don't think that is true.  I wouldn't expect them to speak the ancient Aztec language anymore that I would expect a third-generation German-American to speak German or a visiting Irish person to converse in Gaelic.

    In my experience, my neighbors don't refuse to adopt the English language.  They know that if they want a better job than they one they have now, they will have to ask for it in English.  If, for example, you head over to Home Depot to hire a day laborer, you will be approched by several people, all discussing terms in their best, and improving, English.

    Of course, immigrants will continue to converse with their families in the language most comfortable to them, even if they are fluent in English.  But generally, they work hard in the US so that their children will receive an education here that includes the ability to communicate in English and compete for jobs with native born speakers.

  3. If we share a smile and a handshake, in my opinion, we're speaking the same language.

  4. Because native Americans (real Americans) spoke there own language and the invaders refused to learn that language! thats why! what goes around comes around!

  5. I may get a thumbs down for this but I don't care. I think if you are going to move to a country that speaks a different language, you should learn the language they speak. If I moved to France I would have to learn French.  

  6. You'd have to ask them.  Each of them.

    My husband is Mexican and doesn't speak Spanish.  He gets just as much heat for that!

  7. Further to first answer..

    the worst thing is, computer spell checkers correct good, British English into poor American grammar. And they have a choice of English or English (UK)... despite the fact that original English is NOT american!

  8. Because we accomodate them and don't make them do anything, including pay taxes or doctor bills.

  9. first of all there aren't any "true" native americans.  we speak English with an American dialect.  As for the hispanic population that doesn't  seem to want to learn our language, businesses have made it too convenient for them to need to learn it.

  10. The govenment is the problem, the refuse to make these people use English.  They are afraid they will not get votes if they don't let them do as they please.  Resturants, stores, Etc. are all out to get that dollar and do everything they can to get these peoples business.  Then there the mexican themselfs, most are uneducated and can't learn the language.  As more and more of them come to America they don't have to speak english because they only talk to each other.  These people stay with their own kind.  If you watch, they move to area where there are other Mexican living.     It's money, money, money    

  11. I don't know that they refuse to speak english. Who refused?

    Is refusing to speak english a crime?

    They can speak whatever language they want, remember the idea of a "free" country?

  12. Since when did Americans speak English? They speak a rather slangy pidgin form of it that resembles the original. Why should Mexicans adopt the tongue of the oppressor? In any case the demographics indicate that in a matter of twenty years a greater majority of people in the US will be Hispanic. So if they are just patient it will be theirs.

  13. Not all Mexicans refuse to speak English. For the most part it is a language needed for work purposes. Some people that come to the United States do not to have to learn English because they are able to find work within their communities. Some hispanic people refuse to speak English because it is a form of assimilation into the American culture. Many hispanics are very proud of their culture and dont want to lose it.I dont think that refusing to learn any language is a good idea.To learn a different language helps personal and professional development.n order to preserve cultural values people should teach their children both spanish and english or whatever language they speak.For people who feel that all spanish people should speak English because they live in "america" they are really ignorant.Have your realized that "America" is composed of north,central and south america? learning a new language is not easy specially for adults so just because someone doesn't speak the language doesn't mean that they don't try. Some people need to wake up to the reality of the world. English is not the only dominant language anymore.

  14. It's mainly because nobody forces them to do so. As long as people will bend to them, why should they change? They, like many others, seem to think that America owes them and not the other way around.

  15. Americans have not spoken English since the 1700s, so why should anyone else over there start now?

  16. LOL,  it won't matter in another 20 years. maybe you should learn Spanish now, get yourself ready for the balance to change up.


    LMAO, to the British people answering calling English your language and calling it superior, as far as i know, British people left your great king and came to America, then when your King sent his military, We ****** Them Up.  please, you sound foolish,  get over yourselves

  17. I often wondered the same thing and came to this conclusion.  With Mexico, being a third world country, this would make most Mexicans illiterate in Spanish.  Therefore, do you realize how hard it must be for them to learn English putting this into consideration.  I live in New York and through my experience, I do see them try.  At the diner I go to, they all speak Spanish, English and Greek.  

    P.S. stating that spanish is not their native tongue, is like saying English is not ours and we should be speaking in Cherokee or Navajo.    

  18. The language is for communication and knowledge. We in India is highly fond of ENGLISH in spite of 14 official languages of the Government, 92 languages having alphabets plus not less 800 dialects being spoken! But today we are the second largest population speaking ENGLISH in the world next to USA having surpassed the England! Around 100 million people can speak ENGLISH today!

    Spanish is also a European and versatile language and so also many other European languages still remains strong in their own countries in spite of common Euro currency, culture,lifestyle etc! We need to accept their individuality in expression and must also recognise the value of these languages in its native presentation. The Mexicans might still be finding difficult to convert mainly due to their education level. If they get educated and get into professional jobs, no doubt they all would change. Perhaps it has to take its time.


  19. And why can't the Americans get their own language and give our superior vocabulary back.

  20. Mexicans exist because when the Spanish started coming over 500 years ago, they raped all the Native American women and forced them to learn Spanish.  The Hispanics of today are half Spanish and half Native American.  

    Hispanics residing the the U.S. don't learn English because they don't have to.  The govt provides financial aid forms in 18 different languages.  There is no federal law that states English is the official language of the United States.  If you're an illegal, you can even get money to go to college here.  

    As for English, it is the language of the world.  That's what the richest and most powerful people speak.  And that's also what the employers in the United States speak.  So when the Hispanic person goes for a job interview, it's going to be in English.  And if they can't speak it, they'll be stocking shelves at Walmart and flipping burgers at McDonalds. In the future, I see Spanish being the language of the unskilled working class in the US.  Sad but true.

    One thing that unites the people of a country is speaking the same language.  If the people can't communicate with one another, the country as a whole suffers.

  21. I TOTTALY AGREE WITH -rottenoldhagfour

  22. press 1. for english

    press 2. for deportation

    no but seriously I couldn't agree more, If I were to move to another country I would try my darnedest to at least learn the language there!!! It only makes sense

    Also I work in an irrigation supply warehouse & sometimes our contractors will use day laborers (I dont agree with this either) & ther ones that speak english actually have the gaul the want more money b/c of this

    UM HELLO!!! you dont get extra money b/c you learned the language of where you live!!! I mean s**+*t that should just be a given!!!

    Also I dont think Im a racist (although Im sure to get a bunch of thumbs down for this) Ive actually dated a spanisg foreigner BUT he actually took the initiative to go to school for ESL (English as a second language) to better himslef & his life here!

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